The Childhood of Peter the Great

Peter was born at the end of May 1672 and became the fourteenth child of Alexei Mikhailovich. The father died when Peter was four years old. His half-brother Fedor (Russian for Theodore) became the Tsar. The princes had different mothers. Peter's mother was Natalia Naryshkina and Fedor's – Maria Miloslavskaya. The conflict between their families became the main idea of Russian internal politics for the next period. They will saw Russia before Peter's enthronement.

While Fedor was the Tsar, the Miloslavsky family tried to push Naryshkins and the supporters of Alexey Mikhailovich. They had a chance to keep power for ages, but suddenly Fedor died in 1682. The Russian throne passed to Ivan – the third brother. Naryshkins and the clergy spread rumors that Ivan was mentally ill. Their opponents decided to enthrone both brothers at the same time – Peter and Ivan. The confrontation between the Miloslavsky and the Naryshkin families increased.

Miloslavsky decided to use the army (archers). To gain their trust, Miloslavsky executed officers who allegedly stole the salary of archers. After that, they told the archers, that Naryshkins killed Ivan to make Peter the only Tsar. The archers broke into the Kremlin and the Queen (Natalya Naryshkina) had to show them the two princes, Ivan and Peter. But the army could not be stopped. The archers killed many of the Naryshkins and their supporters. All this happened right in the Kremlin, in front of little Peter.

Sure, this episode was the reason for the hatred that Peter felt for the archers, Moscow and the Kremlin. The massacre of archers and even the foundation of St.Petersburg are the results of the Miloslavsky's conspiracy. Till the end of life, Peter was afraid of conspiracies and valued his colleagues for loyalty.

Wanting to show their justice, the Archers made both Ivan and Peter the kings. Their elder sister Sofia became a Regent. Peter was just ten, Ivan was sixteen. Despite the fact that de jure Russia had two tsars, factually Sophia ruled. The Naryshkins (including Natalia and Peter) were sent away from Moscow – Peter grew up in Preobrazhenskoye and Kolomenskoye (the country residences). The princes were only needed for the official ceremonies – to show them to foreign visitors and diplomats.

Ostentatious luxury irritated Peter since childhood. He is known as the most careful of the Russian tsars – Peter paid his personal expenses with his own salary, not from the Treasury. His friends were much less thrifty and shamelessly plundered their homeland. But Peter valued their loyalty and turned a blind eye to the rest.

Next time I will tell you, how Peter studied. My dear English-speaking readers, could you, please, tell me, if my English seems ugly. Hope, you still can understand it:)


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