Russia isn't the problem American mainstream media wants you to believe it is.

The Russia scandal is nothing more than a smokescreen thrown down by the democratic party leadership to distract you from the reason why Trump is sitting in the White House... The Democrats are paid to be weak, paid to speak platitudes and cliches while doing their donor's bidding under the table.

The reason Obama was in office for 2 terms is the same reason why Trump won the election: He appealed to people who are being screwed by the status quo, wanted something different and too desperate to consider the consequences, But the vast majority of people on the right, left and middle refused to choose between Trump or Clinton, and left the choice for President on their turned in Ballot blank.

If it were only racism, people wouldn't have come out of the woodwork to vote for a black man with a Muslim name in 2008 or 2012, who was spouting hope and change for the betterment of all Americans.

Both the Republican and the Democrat establishments are controlled by the money in politics, and until we stop falling for the easy Red-Scare click-bait that the mainstream media is pushing on every American television network... we won't have Democracy.

The above Rant is inspired by:
The Jimmy Dore Show
Secular Talk (by Kyle Kulinski)
The Humanist Report (with Mike Figueredo.)

Each are on YouTube under their respective channels I just named above.

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