Sunday Morning Run and Plogging Chronicles. Payout will go to Leicester #raceforlife

I planned a short run today, about 2.5-3k, as I was going to be working in the garden in the afternoon. I'd already been out for three sessions this week, so this was a pleasant extra just because it was a lovely day. I hadn't done any plogging (picking litter + jogging) for a while, so I thought this would be a chance to do some on the cool down on the way home.

Just as I came out the Garden, I noticed this big piece of litter on the other side of the road:

"FREE," said the notice, "take me and love me."

I left a note saying I would be back with a car. Well, I've been back twice and it was too big for either car. I've left another note saying I'll be back at five o clock, with an eight-seater people carrier this time.

Wonder if it will fit?

Today's recorded route, about 2.60k, but I've probably done twice that now.

I'm running the Leicester 5k #raceforlife on Sunday 8 July. Payouts from posts tagged #raceforlife with be donated to Cancer Research UK. If you would like to support me further, this is my fundraising page.

Thank you!

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