Weekly running update WB 22nd July 2019

I'm still recovering from my bruised coxyx so I only managed 2 runs this week. Still, that's twice as many runs and twice as many KM as last week!

The bruise is calming down, just slowly, which is what it said on theat great source of all wisdom The Internet.

It was very hot for most last week, which meant early morning runs - out at 6.30 on both days, which was actually quite nice!

I track most of my runs with Garmin, which auto uploads to Strava, and upload my walking/ running totals via my alt account (@self-track) via actifit.

Weekly running summary:

  • Total kilometers this week: 8
  • No. of runs: 2

Tuesday's Run - 4K around the river (1)

Run 1.PNG

My first run in a week, and I had to take it easy because of the injury, and my coxyx was still hurting a bit even on painkillers. The key thing is it hurt less than last week!

Friday's Run - 4K around the river (2)

run 2.PNG

YES! Exactly the same run as Tuesday, and last Tuesday - what can I say, it's a great injury placeholder run.

Coxyx still hurting a little, but less than Tuesday, and I ran this 30 seconds faster, with the second half what I'd call a reasonable pace!

All in, looking and feeling good for three runs next week, including getting back into the Park Run on Saturday!

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