Mostly on the flat

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I do find it hard to believe that I run between three and four miles two to three times a week. It's been such a short period of time and yet here we are. It's still weird that I sit, resistant with my coffee in the morning and then suddenly I'm outside in my shorts and the wind is blowing through the hair on my legs and then shortly thereafter it's all done and I've stretched out and showered and I'm having my breakfast.

One of the things that helps is that I have this great route right next to where I live which is mostly flat and not difficult to do. But there are steep hills around and so today I finished with a steep hill flourish. There's a little old lady that I often see on this hill and she always says with a laugh "you're supposed to run up the hill". Today I met someone else while I was panting up there and she said "oh my god, I can't believe you're running up this hill."

It made me feel good.

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