Sex & Running

Do couples who run have more sex. Yes, in my opinion they do. Not just because I’m a runner and love sex. I’ve actually asked my running friends in long term relationships what the secrets to a long term, healthy relationship are and how they keep the spark alive. Many of them began their running relationship years into their marriages. Runners tend to be healthier overall – losing weight, eating better, being on the same page fitness wise and feel better about ourselves.

There are a number of reasons sex is better for runners:

• Running boosts confidence
• Running gives us an increase in flexibility, stamina, endurance
• Freaking endorphins. Love those. Channel that into your sex life and WOW!
• Running brings out more attractive qualities in each other – harder bodies, pushing yourself mentally and physically, determination
• Running gives time for decompression – nothing like pounding out a little frustration to be a better version of yourself. I always come home from a run feeling more grounded, ready to take on what life hands me
• Running as a couple brings a closeness. We don’t always run the same pace or race distance but we’re there together. We drive there and back, we talk about our goals and our experiences as well as our frustrations. It helps with our communication overall because we’re being open
• Dane says in the hours right after I train I’m much more sexually aggressive. I WANT it. I’m pumped from the workout and ready to go
• After a race I’m more thrashed because I pushed so hard, so I want sex just as much but I’m more mellow.

Feeling good about yourself – mentally and physically – allows you to carry that to other areas of your life.

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