I Didn't See This Coming

I had no idea that it is fashionable to have a mid life crisis and go running. This makes sense now and women will believe anything. At least guys just have affairs and buy sports cars. Imagine if both were raiding the bank account there would be nothing left.

I find it funny when I hear people going through phases in their life. A common one is the exercise like a lunatic phase. I have known plenty who have fallen into this trap and it is always the ones who aren't sporty.

My brother in law is sporty and is above average fitness, but it is his wife who has never been fat who is going through a mid life crisis maybe. Thank goodness family and friends don't read my stuff as she would probably try and castrate me after reading this.

She has turned to running, but not your average "just going for a quick run"sort of thing. Twice a day and we are talking 15 -20 km each time. I don't know how may pairs of running shoes she is going through currently but she is trying to get the whole family involved.

Last weekend she invited my brother in law to go out for breakfast. She told him to get dressed in running gear and they would go for a quick run before stopping for breakfast. I spoke to him on Monday and he was in pain. A bit stiff is closer to the truth as she dragged him nearly 20 km.

They caught an uber back home afterwards as she knows he won't go to breakfast ever again. What happened to driving somewhere and having a walk along the beach after you have had breakfast.

Another crazy women is my wifes cousin. She isn't very sporty and can't catch a ball. She runs like a duck or used to anyway and now travels around the world doing the city marathons. Last year they (she has a running friend who is also nuts) did the New York marathon and the London marathon and have heard they are going to Tokyo next.

The last thing i want to do these days is put on a pair of running shoes and go running for hours. I don't have the energy and time and the one thing they have in common is they are not career women and are housewives (maybe I should delete that bit). I am not suggesting they are bored or anything, but maybe they are and have too much time on their hands.

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