The Anglo Saxon Rune Poem: A Poetic Translation

The Anglo Saxon Rune Poem

ᚠᚢᚦ ᚩ ᚱ ᚳ ᚷ ᚹ ᚻ ᚾ ᛁᛄ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛋᛏ ᛒ ᛖᛗ ᛚ ᛝᛟᛞ ᚪᚫ ᛡ ᚣ ᛠ

ᚠ Wealth is a comfort to all, though if a persons swells with it they must conceal what they have if they wish to avoid the wrath of God.

ᚢ The Aurochs are of one mind and have large horns, very savage animals, this moor stepper makes war(against each other) with bared horns, very passionate creatures.

ᚦ Thorns are severely sharp, but everyone relies on evil for defense, thorns are immensely cruel to everyone, especially those who rest among them.

ᚩ All that is spoken is the word of God, this is a pillar of wisdom, a comfort to the wise, this puts people at ease and is a source of hope.

ᚱ Riding seems soft and swift to those sitting indoors, its very hard to sit upon a mare for miles though.

ᚳ A torch is always quick, known by fire pale and bright, it burns often where the heroes within rest.

ᚷ Charity is an honor and an obligation; those who have been made bitter through having been swindled, those who have taken vows of poverty for religious reasons, and those who are homeless due to being outcasts are always begging reverently; they are just like us but happen to be without.

ᚹ Joy is to know very little suffering and sorrow; to have offspring, bliss, and secure abundance.

ᚻ Hail, the whitest grain, circling about from high above, it becomes a shower after hitting the wind, and upon hitting the ground it melts to water.

ᚾ Need can narrow the breathing, worthy is he regardless how often he envies; to help and to heal everything he must first listen.

ᛁ Ice is ancient, its slipperiness immeasurable, it glistens and glitters like gems, a floor made of frost, a beautiful face.

ᛄ Harvest season is a delight to all, when God allows the ground to bleed forth its fruits to the rich and poor alike.

ᛇ Yew bark is rough, a hard stable surface, it keeps fire, often has herbs underneath, a joy to have in the yard.

ᛈ Jesters are a continuous source of play and merry laughter, down to our bellies, their squabbling pleases everyone.

ᛉ A thistles dwelling sanctuary is the fens, there they often grow by the water, all who grasp them are injured cruelly and made to bleed.

ᛋ The sun sows his seed from high above; as he ferries over the fishes-bath his water-horse is brought to land.

ᛏ Tyr should be marked twice, it has always protected the heroes, on a dark and stormy night Tyr never fails.

ᛒ The birch is a tree without fruit, but its delicate branches high upon the helm shudder beautifully, golden leaves caressing the air.

ᛖ A horse is a joy, if the horse walks proudly his health is well, a steeds change through speech can unsteady ones ease.

ᛗ Man is in mirth with his close friends: friends are obligated to be always resolute upon a journey, long-ago the Lord’s crafts decreed that betrayers be handed over as flesh for the earths allotment.

ᛚ The sea can lead to longsome thinking, if ones net is empty upon a tilting boat and the strong waves throw your water-horse bridle out of control.

ᛝ Ing rose up from among the East Danes making visible declarations until he was sent beyond the wall and departed from us, after that he ran, he was the hero The Hearding Clan named for themselves.

ᛟ The homeland is very loved by all men of worth, socializing there in a proper way results in one having a house and offspring.

ᛞ Days are to The Lord like grains of sand, dear men, when the lake meets the light it spreads mirth and delight, it's triumphant and powerful, and the dawn is always breaking.

ᚪ The oak is upon the earth a long time and its acorns are food for boar, it ferries frequently over gannets(sea-bird) bath; the ocean tests whether oak has glory true.

ᚫ Ash is very high, an old love that is stiff upon foundation, it holds steady in its place, however many men fight him.

ᛡ Beavers are a river fish but enjoy feeding on land, they have a beautiful earthen home surrounded by water, there they enjoy loved-ones.

ᚣ Ire is heroic when directed at enemies, it is celebrated by warriors, and a joy, a beautiful steed, fast on foot, necessary in battle.

ᛠ A spike is trouble to all warriors, flesh hardens, body cools, the ground weds the pale, blood falls, joy departs, and so does man.

ᚠ - F
ᚢ - U
ᚦ - TH
ᚩ - O
ᚱ - R
ᚳ - K
ᚷ - G
ᚹ - W/V
ᚻ - H
ᚾ - N
ᛁ - I
ᛄ - J
ᛇ - IE
ᛈ - P
ᛉ - X
ᛋ - S
ᛏ - T
ᛒ - B
ᛖ - E
ᛗ - M
ᛚ - L
ᛝ - NG
ᛟ - OE
ᛞ - D
ᚪ - AH
ᚫ - AE
ᛡ - IA
ᚣ - Y
ᛠ - EA

ᚠᚢᚦ ᚩ ᚱ ᚳ ᚷ ᚹ ᚻ ᚾ ᛁᛄ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛋᛏ ᛒ ᛖᛗ ᛚ ᛝᛟᛞ ᚪᚫ ᛡ ᚣ ᛠ

It is being suggested that english speakers adopt the futhork as their standard alphabet since it is the original alphabet of the english speaking people. In fact it is also being suggested that this alphabet be adopted by everyone since alphabets have a history of being spread everywhere.

For a word for word translation with extensive commentary along with the original old english language see this post:


For other translations see:

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