Riverside Run - RunForSteem

Riverside Run


Somehow in this busiest of weeks I managed to find a spare half hour to go for a run. I'd have loved to have done more than one run this week or to have run further but things have just been MANIC!


Still no reaction in my muscles! I know I'm not running far or particularly fast but it just feels great to be running without any pain in my hips, glutes, or hamstrings. I've been doing lots of stretching, not just before and after running, but on a daily basis to loosen my muscles.


After 6 years of failed ballot entries and my chances of getting in appearing to become slimmer each year, I had just about given up on running the London Marathon. However the club I run with have selected me to receive one of their places for 2018. I feel very privileged and thankful to have been selected. So marathon training starts in January!

I am posting this as part of @jumowa's RunForSteem initiative.

Put your trainers on, go out for a run, and join in!

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