someone recently said i need help, i just need what i would , not could, have had and i need to be far away from here

imagine this


"hickville, the boonies, flanders, hellgium, da hood
3am , im walking my cat ... no cars ... all quiet ... about 50 m from my home i have a random encounter. "an inbreed slag scowls at you ready to attack"
clearly been surviving on fastfood for years, Eric Cartman disposition
"Is there a problem"?
me like "WUT?"
"i said is there a problem?"
me : "i dont know, IS there a problem?"
"why are you not in your bed, you HAVE to be in your bed now"
me :"what are you , my mother or something, i fucking live here, im just walking"
me :" sure, tell them im walking in my street"
can you imagine that ? someone coming outside at 3am because one person who lives 50m further is walking outside?
thats the state of the state the fairy tales of uncle Po have got the inbreed yokels in
thing is, if they would actually come and im still walking outside, even in front of my own house they would fucking lecture me on how i am suspicious
and then me would be like "well , can you show me the law that says im not allowed to walk outside after dark ... or specifically in my own street ... is there some perimeter im not allowed to cross at 3am or something"
so then they would go like "HEY WATCH WHAT you're saying with that tone" and me like " .... right .... can i go now ? "
"o give your passport first we'll check it"
"why ? i live here? "
"well i dont have it on me"
and so
for walking in a street after dark
one would get frisked in van drukkerland
stupid fucking inbreeds
"why dont you like it here ... its SO good here"
i dont know, you tell me
dont do that again ? you serious ? you are, right? that'l be the day when i let someone tell me i can walk around in my own street cos its some time of day and thats not how its done, as far as i know theres no curfew and we are not under martial law ... so as far as i know i can walk wherever i want at any time of day. Unless someone can show me the passage in the code napoléon to which this place still seems to adhere that says "at 3am you are not allowed to move beyond your front or back garden" or something.
for looking at a car ... ill damn go where i fucking please ... i would understand if i were to , say , walk onto her property and ring her front door to come tell her im gonna beat her up ... cos im not a little nugger playing youtube gangster and im not "just kids" so i couldnt get away with that ... but until further notice the street and sidewalk are 24hour free for all ... or someone REALLY has to show me ...
obstruction of justice ? calling cops that im looking at a car , that im walking in my street ? i dont know, SLANDER
polite, you say ? these people got that right out of me, completely ... and i dont think they understand that use of language anyway besides, i think i was pretty polite
and moreover, you waive all rights when you pull certain shit on me ... like, i dont know
threatening me, threatening me with cops (even if i didnt do anything) threatening me at my front door, threatening me with 100 friends from molenbeek, threatening me with all those friends you know (who apparently dont show up and the 20 who do walk around like broken robots cos no one is the first one to start hitting cos they're used to people scuttling if more than 10 appear) ... calling the cops on my ass anonymously so i cant retort, confront or defend myself ... slandering my name and rep, making up stories that end with ME at a police station having to make a statement ... telling people i run around foaming at the mouth spitting at 80 year old grandfathers ... going around telling people i MURDERED fuckers ... going around telling people i spent 3 years in jail while i was in squatcity going BACK TO SCHOOL
buurtpolitie hm ? if they're that 'hood' they should know all this and they should know me, so FUCK YOUR INBREEDS, and FUCK YOUR FUCKING NAZI-ASS PO
polite my ass ...
this shithole will never 'grow on me'
but hey, look .. i dont get angry ... great pills man
i'll be walking my cat again tomorrow night, so if you wanna complain start looking for the section in the code napoleon on "walking cats after dark further than 5m beyond your front door" or something
fucking hellhole

Screenshot from 2018-02-23 05-44-40.png

well ... if they say you went too far, it very likely means you almost went far enough to hit them where it hurts

why are half my post grey and only a few black ... is this like continued steemit censorship without the mention of "this post has been hidden" ?

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