Readers Digest #6 ... common sense in copywrong ???!? and TRON TRON TRON, so what's it gonna be ? the steemit killer ?


ofcourse not, that's irrelevant, copyRIGHT after all, those children should have reported their parents after all its their duty in soviet UK ...

so i wonder when we get to see the numbers on all those people not having a loaded box, SUDDENLY having money to pay for all those shows they were watching

but i'm not gonna sit up for it, someone wake me when those numbers arrive, get buried, dug up by a mep under freedom of information and in that five second time window before they get buried again

let me know :)

but i think we already know, dont we

i don't think i need to comment but i like to illustrate why (the previous one) its like that

Screenshot from 2018-05-29 14-49-32.png

and finally it gets through : they have been wasting millions on feeding parasites who get them nothing but paid

everyone always complaining about the cost , not about the cars, or the cow- and pigshit spreading methane, the phoneboys spreading smug clouds and in general almost 8 billion sapients breathing out producing nothing more than co2

its not just cryptomatoes, believe it or not, this is not the era of the morganites or edison, a lot of people involved at top level

GENUINELY CARE, the problem is they're so rich, they have had such protected lives, they have ZERO empathy with reality outside their bubble

decentralizing the web ... for some reason i feel this TRON-thing might get a bit of an underground fanbase ...

question is, can it go as far as unlink all power from big government ?

i seriously gotta check that out, i don't do ICO , not just b/c i don't have money but b/c a salespitch is just that, if they're in after six months to a year and have done something ? then maybe (but i still wouldnt have money HAA HAA HHAA) but i'm seriously gonna keep my eye on this, as i will on Flixxo ... two potentials imo , actual utility like steem (despite whatever is happening to the price in the past months for whatever reason fat fish may have) has a lot more chance in the long run , as long as it stays on top in its field, right ?

well take a pick, despite the fact that a conglomerate of old nazi vampire bats seems to be wrecking trading in anything but fiat forex , oil and grain , planet Crypton is *far from dead* (dutch language :: what are cryptokitties ?) (dutch language :: over 3000 BTC atm-machines worldwide)

then the dark side :: something cloudflare can possibly not quite protect from

and ofcourse :: the magic word that brings it down every time :: regulation

and the hippicrisy of paper law : its criminal but we'll take your money !

always nice to see someone come up with my theories from years ago all by themselves again ... i was getting one of those butterfly labs devices too ... and then life happened, or should i say flanders (no need to say i would not have thrown away the key when i hit it)

since we clearly have a problem on our hands maybe its time to kick out the trolls and let the community in babysteps do its thing, i still think a block button is the way to go, even if its only on U.I. , but that way you would see who the spiteful really are because who the hell would waste time on digging stuff from the chain no one can see once its blocked ?

and then some, ... sorry had to clear my tabs for today, i'll leave the other 15 out

and much more but lets not overdo it its not a video after all ... so is this soon to be on the blablawhale blacklist with spambots all over every post then ? sorry mate, until it grows i need 5 posts a day and i dont even get that ... after that i can slim down, unless it gets FUCKED by content nazis ... the enemies of steem , the great divide

every post that doesnt reach my minimum ubi requirement after 24 hours will be upvoted with bots to the max extent of my resources. This benefits me and this benefits people i vote on, this benefits people who vote on my little distro-for-plankton project and whatever the moralizing by fat fish, i dont really care, if i sit around waiting for handouts and cookies i'll be old and grey before i'm anywhere

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