Readers Digest #5 : the homocentrism of obese fish and more


mmh ... been sneezing all night, strange thing since i always thought pollen are supposed to act normal and be inactive during moonlight ... clearly not, first time this year and in a long time ive been bothered with it so i didnt really get to prepare much other than my pre-prepared posts in case of emergency to stick to my rythm to get to my ubi to my road to independence, which is somewhat all or nothing for me since there is nothing in the past, nothing to turn to and if it weren't for this id still be watching anime and gaming without joy all day ... i try to keep it diverse, and i try to keep it interesting, if you don't like it, whale-troll, you can mute me, i'm sure i will mute you, if you're one of the enlightened content dictators now that it's YOU creating the divide, you can mute whatever you don't like, but there's no protection from enforcers (who nobody asked for downhere) like YOU ... well then happy reading, try not to bust a braincell while doing so, in your case it might be your last one (yea thats the sarcasm that always cause people to attack me with semantics, or money , or the usual 'force in numbers' ... i didnt say im the smartest, i said you're clearly NOT the brightest ... there we are, good morning, lets have another coffee because my mood is clearly daytime right now

lol ?

I never understood the fixation with 'life' being 'life as we know it' (trekkie-pun not intended) because the very definition in the word itself alien life suggests that it can be about anything no one here can come up with even as an idea. So all the time there have been searches for earth-like life, not alien life ... homo-centrism at its best (no thats not a gaybashing thing, precious ... it's homo-centrism where you observe reality from where you stand so that makes you the center of everything ...)

after all that trouble Galileo went through tsk ... shame on them .. even SETI, for instance might have had 1000s of alien messages but looking for familiar patterns might just miss them all ... maybe those aliens dont have the concept of numbers, maybe they dont even have language, maybe they evolved in all synergy and convergence with the environment and due to only bio-tech they don't even have the concept of trigonometry or geometry ... after all, if you live in a house that grows from a see (for instance) why would you need Alien-pythagoras ?

alien life

yes i know, i use all kinds of references, metafors and words that make me sometimes hard to understand, and all too often misunderstood. It's because i had the life i had, i read the books i read, i saw the movies i saw and i listen to the music i listen too, i rewired my brain after school first tried to wreck it into linearity, then this hellhole rewired it trying to teach me "how its done" now its chaos ... see if someone says helio-centrism that's not bashing gay people, if i say homo-centrism its also NOT just because its not in the dictionary, language is a living tool, all my foes are spelling and gremmar nazis

when all is said and done , nothing is original anymore, but it's all about the re-mix

somehow someone anywhere comes up with something to sell you, if not YOU, then your babyspawn ofcourse, soft targets :)

interesting concept there, now translated to steemit ... can president Trump block content nazis from trolling and flagging because they don't exert free speech, they actually DO HARM, financially, for real

another one way to make money if you got mad skillz (which probably means you already have the six-figure job 'on the side' just to hide your hobby so you don't really need the money ...

"mister worf, crossreference that with facebook please" :p

#medicine #astronomy #hacking #freespeech #trump
despite the sabotage this might still work out, even at current prices i just got one of my posts at minimum required ubi level (for me, which is something your average fat fish has no clue about really, zero empathy with down below, so if no content nazis come by or grudge trolls or whatever enlightened enforcers of the realm squad i can get to less bots per post at five posts per day to less posts per day ... which is less stressful and allow me to spend more time per post , THAT IS IF I DONT GET SABOTAGED


kill the trolls, campaign for a block button, we need protection in order to grow, before its governmet regulation again because then its game over


well that's at current prices that is, if prices where what they were a month ago id need only half of what i need now , you see ? some of us dont already have everything and aren't just looking to be entertained


every post that doesnt reach my minimum ubi requirement after 24 hours will be upvoted with bots to the max extent of my resources. This benefits me and this benefits people i vote on, this benefits people who vote on my little distro-for-plankton project and whatever the moralizing by fat fish, i dont really care, if i sit around waiting for handouts and cookies i'll be old and grey before i'm anywhere

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