Silent Rurik - personifies the beginning of the history of Russia

 Prince Rurik - how it all began ...

The  full-flowing river begins with the source. Life from birth, and history  - from the starting point, which everyone recognized as the "initial  zero". The half-legendary character of our history - Prince Rurik, can  be called a sign embodying the beginning of the history of Russia.

The  lands without margins inhabited by poorly inhabited tribes in the 8th  and 9th centuries are similar to primitive chaos, in comparison with  more or less civilized on the wreckage of the Roman Empire by  barbarians, who by that time were already getting used to stuffing a  toga from brocade.

The Slavs who lived in the ilmensky expanses  were not at all militant. Not that the tribes of the Baltic Varangians. A  well-known chronicler Nestor numbered Varangians: Swedes, Normans,  Gotlanders, and those who were called "Rus". Guys professionally robbed,  as distant countries, and often doing leisurely crafts in the bins of  their peace-loving neighbors. Someone else liked to mess around on the  gift of a darling, that they were trying to "milk the obedient cow" as  long as possible.

Periodically Varangians perched on the neck of  Krivichi, Radimichi, Ilmen Slovaks and other mild-mannered inhabitants  of the fertile land. And for every time, sprawled freeloaders, had to be  pushed into the neck. And so it continued to go around, until the  middle of the 9th century, when another gang of Varangian vagabonds came  who, according to Nikolai Karamzin's own suggestion, did not "overdo  the stick" with tribute and did not repair serious grievances.

I  would hate to endure them, but the local elite (elders, leaders and  prominent boyars), considering the lost profit, outraged the nation, and  roamed the robbers as they could crushing their sides. And everything  would be fine, but the way between the Slavs (read the elites) has dried  up and they have sworn at each other. The sick to the last, but the  respected elder from Novgorod, Gostomysl, would fight, according to  tradition he put forward an alternative to fratricide for discussion.  The idea was that the eternal dispute among the Slavs among themselves,  the invited person from outside decided. That of the noble was, yes the  power supported his team.

The old man was not a blunder, not only  that he "breathed on" incense, and turned the business. "Arbitration  judge", probably without alternative suggested the son of his daughter  Umila and according to information, the reliability is not shiny (as  well as the rest) - the son of the godrich Prince Godlava. That is quite  logical, I attached my grandson to a warm place in a cold country.

The  Slovenes of Novgorod, the Krivichi, the whole and the Chud were  gathered and the ambassadors sent from the petition to the candidate,  there is no order in the great and plentiful land, take power and rule  over us.

Well, who would refuse such an offer? Rurik could not  resist. He collected the belongings, the family in an armful, the team  of the detachment, the march-march forward and with the song. New lands,  new adventures, promising real prosperity and even more than what else a  romantic Varangian still want.

Logically, the ambassadors were  supposed to invite one prince, and they all crouched together, the good  of the brothers, for good, then you need one. There is a version that  Sineus and Truvor are not brothers at all, but in translation from Old  Swedish: sine hus is a kindred, and thru varing is a loyal squad,  therefore Rurik could come alone as a prince, but with a family and a  squad of loyal fighters. So at least GZ claimed. Bayer and B.A.  Fishermen.

A beautiful theory, but everything that is connected  with Umiloy and Godlove is falling apart, then the great chess move of  Gostomysl loses its logic. There is a call anyhow, the first  counter-cross, who he is and what does not matter in his mind. Does our  ancestors come to pass - the fools are uncanny? Perhaps, after all,  there are many such and always, but I do not believe that they took  important decisions for everyone.

Therefore, most likely came by  one invitation card to Rurik, the three of us, so it was not boring.  Places enough for all. Moreover, "Sineus" is not a Lithuanian, but  probably a "blue mustache", probably a womanizer. After all, the French  had a legendary "blue beard". We, too, "do not eat bread with bast  shoes," we have a blue mustache. " But "Truvor" is possible "the third  by birth." So puzzles sort of converge.

Confirms the legend of  their peaceful entry into the Slavic world, which is most likely due to  the commonality of ethnic roots. The guys from the tribe Rus arrived to  the lands of the Slavs and settled down: Sineus in Beloozero, on the  lands of the "weight", Truvor in Izborsk, but with Ryurik of the order.  Some argue that the oldest of the brothers did not come to Novgorod, but  to the town of Ladoga, which is a hundred kilometers to the north,  since the cities of Novgorod, they say, had not yet been built, and  Prince Rurik himself started building 

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