The black century of Russia has begun

If you see the videos – you will laugh. Almost every year, in his new year's greetings to the Russian population, Putin promised that the next year would be "difficult". This is the only promise that he has always kept.

Our "eagle" still advocates for the development of "spiritual bonds". That's right, when you put the economy in depression with every passing year, what else is left? In 2008, the wily tsar and the trained Bear swore that the average salary of the population would be 80 thousand rubles, and pensioners would receive 25 thousand rubles*. According to current times, the scoundrel- and can’t be called otherwise; one who lies like he breathes- promised manna from heaven. Anything was possible, though. At a high price for oil and real state support for business.

Today, the average salary has not passed the threshold of 40 thousand rubles. But that’s not the worst part. We have seen for ourselves what the purchasing power of the ruble has become.


When in 2013, it became clear that the team of P. and M. instead of developing the economy – steals and thrives, a beautiful move was made: they returned Crimea to the people. Happiness was real, everyone thought that P. was finally done stealing and had decided to think about Russia.

And again, they "lost all the polymers". Maybe it's because Putin's "brigade" did nothing to create a regime of import substitution and safe investment?! But instead of development, all federal funds for Crimea were stolen and continue to be stolen. Even the unfortunate "Crimean bridge", whose price has increased during construction by more than 3 times, will not pay off in a few hundred years. This is because the infrastructure in Crimea has not been updated and conditions for relaxation have not been created for those who are able to pay for it. Our Taurida will not be able to compete with Turkey in terms of attractiveness of recreation, and people with income will not go there. But every year, 300-400 billion rubles continue to fall into this "black hole". And the local population curses the government and prices for what they are worth, realizing that the price policy of Chukotka does not suit them.

The person who destroys the Russian economy is synonymous with the firm hand of Stalin and stability in our population. This is the real "Stockholm syndrome", when the victim begins to sincerely love the terrorist and kiss his feet.

Five years ago, smart people noticed a great similarity between Tsar Putin and the Star wars character – Chancellor Palpatine. In public- a demeanor of a modest, good-looking, harmless uncle. Deep down- an unbalanced and ambitious neurotic with a single passion, the name of which is Power.
We have our own "Black Tsar". A man who has hidden his lust for power for decades and is still holding back for the past year.


"Palpatine" drew power to himself with hypocritical modesty: "as you say, so shall it be". But the time has come: the amendments to the constitution were supported by ALL 85 regional parliaments. In the Duma and the Federation Council, only a few people vote against it, and such a minority can't change anything. The funny thing is that if necessary, even this opposition will be "squeezed" from the regions. They will just hint that either do as you should or lose the "settled" warm place.

The usurpation of power has taken place. But Putin, out of love for art and decency, plays the show to the end. All of this is a decoration. It remains to answer the question: what awaits Russia?


An opposition will never be able to win elections, because the election laws will be rewritten. Only "their own persons" can become deputies and senators. But that is the least of it. The "Black Tsar" will cover even local self-government with his power . There will be no more "servants of the people", voluntary initiative. There will only be functionary-putinites all the way to each individual yard.

As for the actual governability of the regions, with the exception of making decisions that Putin personally needs, it will be zero. Regions are given to non- professionals, who are only interested in their own pocket, "to feed on".

Governors will support economic projects that give them the status of innovators and allow them to promote themselves, and will also fight for additional funds from the budget. Trillions of rubles will continue to be "spent inefficiently" — they will be stolen by those who are allowed to "feed up" and taken abroad.

The only thing that will constantly improve is the effectiveness of all types of citizen control. Private space will be reduced to the size of an apartment. But there will also be fully controlled internet access there too.

Russia is turning into a digital totalitarian state. China is testing the automatic grading of reliability of each citizen. "There is nothing like a sturgeon of second freshness". People will be of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. Those who are identified as unreliable by the system will lose any chance of rising up the social ladder, and they will be shunned as the plague by citizens of the higher classes. Because communicating with low-ranking people lowers their own class. And there is no turning back. The question is how long it will take to finalize the grading system.

Get ready, no later than 10 years from now, Russia will become the second country where the computer will assign social value and determine the future of every person.


The hopes for the development of the Russian economy, which existed 10-15 years ago, are recalled again. Those who believed in the new president were looking forward to what path he would choose:

  • "Socially oriented" – long-term investments in "human capital", education and health care.
  • "Liberal" – stability of the budget, creation of conditions for attracting investments and doing business.
  • "Modernization of the economy" – increase in taxes on the extraction of minerals, reduction in the rate on loans and also conditions for business development, but it is not business, but the state itself that determines the directions of the economy that it will support.

None of the optimists guessed right. A return to feudalism and transfer of regions "for feeding" was chosen. The principle is simple: "As much as you can get out of the region- everything is yours. If you demonstrate activity in the "management" of funds, you get more for “national projects” ".

The Russian economy is thoroughly corrupt, so it is inefficient and weak. More than 70% of the economy is the extraction or processing of natural resources. The dependence on world commodity prices is added to the overall weakness of the economy. In fact, apart from the increase in stealing, nothing has changed since the Soviet Union. Only the huge potential in science and education allowed us not to consider the USSR a third world country. Today, Russia is in a much worse position, because science and education are decades behind! This means that the country will not enter the future on an equal footing with the leaders, the countries of the "Golden billion".

In this situation, an economic war with the United States is an unworthiness and deadly idiocy for Russia. Yes, in the US in a year or two a couple of weak players will leave the market, but Russia is in a "war", in which the GDP got into due to outright stupidity and greed – it will beat out all the accumulated foreign exchange reserves, and the country will slide into hyperinflation and economic depression.

Yes, it will not be in 2020, because in the year of Putin's victory, the impression should not be so openly damaged. But in 2021, it will be better for you to have a job where they are ready to raise your salary by 10-15% per month in the wake of the rising inflation.

Among other things, Russia has shattered all existing agreements in the market and now our former partners Saudi Arabia have "dropped" prices by 2.5 times and started fighting for our share. A situation of an arms race arose - who can dramatically increase oil production. The Saudis and the US are ready and can easily increase production by 20-30%. Our country, unlike others, is not able to increase production by more than 10%.

Russia will be defeated in this war, but the Sechin-Putin couple will not pay for it personally— the population, each of us, will be forced to do it.

Due to the sharp decline in oil prices, the budget in 2020 will receive less than $200 billion at least – that is, half or more. Budget expenditures will be reduced at the expense of the social sphere, education and culture. Forget about the norm of medicines that will have to be purchased centrally for hospitals, even though they are late. The public sector workers can forget about additional payments, and everyone else can forget about building kindergartens, schools, and renovating clinics and hospitals in the regions.

You probably have a question – it's not just for the sake of power that Putin bought himself time until 2036, is it? You are right, he took over all branches of government so that his team could easily engage in illegal takeovers and get the remaining effective businesses for next to nothing.

This same oil war started because Sechin and Putin want to get Lukoil and Tatneft – the last "islands" where Putin's "brigadiers" had not set their foot. Outwardly, everything will be civilized, like the grabbing of "Magnit" from Galitsky. The smartest ones will "come running" to negotiate a good deal.

A new slavery is waiting for the population. Modern slaves — is not chains and shackles at all. It is the inability to leave your place of residence, it is a situation when your property is in foreclosure and can be taken away at any time, and your loved ones are under constant threat of losing their livelihood. Remuneration for work is not increasing, but the number of people falling into poverty and their credit obligations are increasing. In 2019, every economically active Russian on average owed banks 227 thousand rubles. Before 2017, mortgages and car loans mainly grew, but then the "collateral-free" segment grew sharply.

That is, people began to take out loans in order to eat them and survive. They do not want to reduce the normal level of consumption in the family, for which both workers do not have enough wages. Annual debt increases by 25-35% per year. This is monstrous for a poorly developed economy.

And now, in a situation of economic war and crisis caused by coronavirus, we can expect a new wave of bankruptcies and layoffs. A new multi-million batch of unemployed people will enter the market. And they will need loans, which banks and microloans, of course, will issue at crazy interest rates. In 5-7 years, only 10-12% of the rich and well-off will have no debt. For others, they will exceed the annual salary several times. Foreclosing on apartments for debt has already become a business, but now it will start working in violation of all existing laws, and judges who have been bought entirely will approve the decisions of black realtors.

Banks will not be able to get the money back, and Putin, of course, will meet them halfway and allow them to use new slaves for "recovery of losses". So by 2030, heads of families and single mothers will be sold in masse into slavery to financial structures and collectors who will buy back their debts in bulk.

Dead social sphere. Over the next 10 years, the "pockets" of free education and medicine will disappear. Instead of covering the deficit in teachers, average medical staff and doctors, they will simply reduce the number of schools, clinics and hospitals. And then, when the time comes, the constitution will be changed again and the right to free treatment and education will finally disappear.

The market of medicines for the impoverished population will be filled with low-quality generic and blatant fuflomycin. The minister of health will be the junkyard dog of unscrupulous manufacturers and will personally lobby their interests, demanding the placement of duds on the shelves of pharmacies.

The increase in crime will be even worse than in wartime. Teenagers will leave their families in masse and make a living in any way by joining gangs. And the population will not be able to go to the police, because they will also turn into gangs and will also try to snatch their own piece.

And all this will happen with the full connivance of the authorities. Russians will lose their freedom, their humanity, and their hope for a normal future.

Putinism acts like sulfuric acid- it corrodes and destroys a great country and leads it to another collapse. A strong army and special services will not seal a state in which corruption has won and meanness prevails.

About the spiritual bonds that the Black King is always worried about. The worse the situation, the fatter the priests are in the patriarchate and the more loyal the ROC is. These ones always sincerely believe: "let every soul be subject to the highest authorities, for there is no authority not from God". At one time, they supported the Tatar-Mongols. Where could we find Sergiy Radonezhsky to clean this kublo? Or maybe it's time to ask for the second coming of Christ, otherwise we will not live to see the day of judgment at all?

And you are still going to vote for the new constitution? It means this is all about you.

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