Spider Putin and his clique- Tsar, forever!

You have been reset! Just like a clock!
The mind, blood, and flesh boil.
Unlock the secret of rejuvenation,
V. Labokaite

That’s it, our "crab" has turned into a king without any quotes. Mr. President very favorably accepted the initiative of Mrs. Tereshkova to "reset" his presidential terms*. And he went through with it.

Against the way the Duma does anything- the issue was worked out almost at the "speed of light".

That's it, the "reset" has happened . Now even senility will not prevent Mr. Putin from ruling until 2036.

Don 't hope - you won't hear Putin's version of: "I'm tired, I'm leaving ."


And the naive guys from Bloomberg Agency were surprised: how come- he just refused to reset the terms three weeks ago . They do not know Russian traditions: "a good person" should be asked three times. And especially, it is necessary to ask well in a play that the same actor started and directs by himself.

So, very soon Putin will overtake Peter I and catch up with Ivan the Terrible in the time of reign. In fact, there is every chance that he will "sit on the throne" of all the monarchs of Russia, even in the event of dementia and enter the Guinness Book of Records. The new constitution and the orderly ranks of sycophant officials and deputies will help him.

424 out of 450 deputies were present. Unlike the corrupt Tereshkova , her former colleague, the second female cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, acted with dignity and voted against.

Olga Alimova is the only person who plainly and openly opposed the "reset". She completely candidly talked about the fact that Putin is preparing to usurp power. It was interesting to observe the behavior of the neighbors of the communists from other factions. They pretended that they were not there, they were absent, so they did not hear anything .

By factions: United Russia, LDPR, A Just Russia voted "for". Only the communist faction and Oleg Shein, a deputy from A Just Russia, voted "against". The rest are absolutely shameless materialistic jackals who do not even think about protecting the interests of those who feed and provide for them. Putin has already put muzzles on them, the "dogs" duly "raise their paws" in time to preserve the warm "settled" places.

I think Putin is happy and will not touch the minority, after all everything is nice: "the majority votes and shows that democracy prevails".


Putin's best friend and accomplice, the trained bear, tweeted: "If the proposed amendments to the Basic law are verified by the constitutional court and supported by Russian citizens, it will mean maintaining stability in the development of our country and continuity of power ".

Modestly and with taste. The 30 years in politics are good because they teach you to lie plausibly to everyone and for any reason. However, we can say otherwise: Mr. Medvedev forgot to mention that the constitutional court has the people of Mr. President sitting in it, and the votes that the administrative resource will provide will support the changes.


So, what is waiting for Russia, which they are slowly but surely trying to turn into a monarchy?

Most of the monarchies on the planet are "rotten", the rest with the exception of the UAE and 2-3 other Arab countries are in ongoing crisis. Smart monarchs live modestly – they ride public transport or use a bicycle, and their children work. And immodest ones like the English George dynasty do not get out of scandals and have long lost their reputation among the population. At the same time, the level of insanity in the UK due to rotten monarchical rule is growing stronger. Just look at how the health service sold protective masks at a bargain price to other countries and now the British people use "innovative solutions" to save themselves from coronavirus, for example, putting a woman's thongs on their head…

But some Russians continue to believe "in some special mystical path of Russia", and they dream of a revival of the monarchy and a "firm hand". Putin loves power. Too often in his circle, he had heard hints and direct offers to take the throne. A man who for decades was forced to hide the sense of self-importance was very susceptible to flattery. And now he is slowly but surely moving towards the foundation of the Putinid dynasty, whose age will be bright, but not too long.

Russian tsars on the throne, with a few exceptions, did not shine with either will, leadership skills, or achievements (if you are interested, look at a small excursus about the origin and end of the Romanov dynasty after the article).

But most of the inhabitants, like the illiterate peasants of past centuries, still believe in a good, intelligent and just monarch. But honest contemporaries saw it as it was. Here is what A.N. Radishchev said about Catherine II, whom many consider "great":

"...Wherever The Empress is- there is a lot of noise, cracking, conversations, and is there much to do? She constantly plays with the word "people". "The intentions with which we reigned – not to gain the high name of the Russian liberator, not to acquire treasures... not love of power, not any other self-interest, but true love for the fatherland and the entire people, we were prompted to accept this burden...". And at the same time around it; luxury, gaining treasures and the most vile greed...".

Don't you think that today, absolutely the same thing can be said about Putin and the current regime? Only hopeless romantics believe that as soon as Putin becomes a monarch, enlightenment will strike him - he will stop corruption and rule according to his conscience. Why on earth would he?

This man has long forgotten what conscience is and for years lied about maintaining the retirement age, refusing to change the constitution and much, much more. Yes, he does not display wealth for show, but what does it matter to you how and on what he spends stolen billions?

Putin is ready to meet any decision of lobbyists and put the entire population of Russia in a bad place for the sake of preserving a common "feeder". An example is the unleashing of a price war for oil. The incompetent political decision has led to the fact that even today Saudi Arabia is trading oil at $25 per barrel. The price has fallen almost 3 times!

Because of two ghouls: Sechin-Putin, the budget will not receive more than half of laid funds, the dollar will rise to 110 rubles and higher, and the population will face a crisis- a purer one than it was in 2014.

Now more than 50% of the population has fallen into poverty. What will happen in six months-a year of price wars? When there will be no funds in the budget for the social sphere and even the crumbs that were allocated for updating medicine, education, culture, and support for the social sphere will disappear.

The impeachment of the president is already impossible – just who has he not bought, wholesale and retail, in the Duma and the Council of Federation; those "he holds by the throat". But for now, Mr. President is still considering the media and social networks. With their help, you can give him a good "knock on the head". But this is now. When Putin becomes monarch, any attack against him will automatically become an anti-state conspiracy.

An example of monarchical idiocy begins - the Duma received a bill on criminal prosecution of those who will demand the abolition of amendments to the constitution. They suggest giving 5 years in prison to those who are not satisfied with the new constitution and those who urge not to vote for it.

There has never been such a level of insanity and betrayal of the interests of the people in modern Russia.

Remember that Putin will go all the way. Today he "reset the term", and in a couple of years, old Chapeau claque- sorry, Mrs. Tereshkova, will crawl up to him on her knees, and tearfully ask to save Russia, apparently, from his own presidency and put on the Monomakh hat.

And afterwards, when Tsar Putin sits on the throne, the last step will come - the sale of Russia wholesale and retail. After that, the country will either fall apart, or there will be another revolution.

Remember, it’s today or never! We need to use any methods: petitions, protest marches, to stop the messed up president, supported by his minions.

Putin should not carry out amendments to the constitution!
Putin should not reset his term!
Putin does not belong in the chair of the President of Russia!
Russia without Putin! No Putin, no corruption!

Putin - gather your things and go!

Say it, fill up social networks with these slogans, chase the liar and thief from his perch!


Catherine II in the memoirs of contemporaries, assessments of historians. Moscow, 1998.

@animor aka golos.io/@runews

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