Only Coronavirus Can Stop the President

The president and his team are looking forward to April 22. Not because it is the birthday of the unforgettable Ilyich. But because on this day, the president's dreams will come true – the people will vote "as they should" and Constitution-2020 will establish a new world Russian order.


It will become almost impossible to change the existing pension system which is not profitable for Russian citizens. The judiciary will lose its independence and will be completely under the control of the president. The Duma and the Federation Council will only pass laws that are beneficial to the head of state. The politburo, which will be called the State Council, will return and begin to determine Russia's foreign and domestic policy. The government will turn into a herd of stupid implementers, and the prime minister will quickly stand in the pose of "What can I do for you".
H. I.M. Own Chancery, sorry, VVP will rebuild (for himself) and take full control of the entire vertical of executive power, up to local governments, whose expenses will be paid only when they do what they are told. The president will be the only real ruler, because now he chooses and approves candidates for seats not only in federal authorities, but also in the regions. And he can easily dismiss them.

There is not much time left until Russia turns from a semblance of democracy into a still civilized dictatorship. The administrative resource will provide the necessary minimum of supporters who will vote for the introduction of amendments to the constitution.

Is there someone or something that can stop Putin?

The opposition? It's not even funny. Now they are not even able to agree with each other. For example, the last annual "Nemtsov march" in Moscow. It would seem that 22,000 people are a force. In reality, there was a team of people who wanted everything from the government at once. There were all sorts of slogans: from demands to find Nemtsov's killer to proposals to allow same-sex marriage and introduce matriarchy. The protesters against the amendment of the constitution mingled with all the others and they were almost not noticed.

Such a march can cause only huge laughter in the authorities, but not fear. Therefore, it is easier to believe in the arrival of aliens than in the fact that the opposition will be able to unite at least for a while and gather again on Bolotnaya square.

We will not discuss aliens, but we suggest looking into the situation with the coronavirus epidemic. Coronavirus can be much more effective than any opposition. It is enough for an epidemic to start in one of the small cities, and the principle of popular voting will be violated, because the citizens of city N will be quarantined and will not be able to participate. Then the vote should be moved to a new date, which will come after the end of the quarantine. If a pandemic occurs in a city of a million people or in a whole region, it will be a disaster for Mr. Putin's plans.

Therefore, it is not in the president's interest to report a mass virus infection and arrange a quarantine. In theory, there are two ways: prevent the development of the infection or miss the beginning of the pandemic and hide it from the population so that the vote for the amendments will take place as planned.

Which path will the president choose? It looks like the second path is chosen.

First, let's assess the extent of the outbreak of coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has rated the risk level of epidemic spread of coronavirus as "very high". Not a single continent remains unaffected by coronavirus. In addition to China, there are victims in 49 other countries and large sites of infection are in Italy, Iran and South Korea, given the common borders of the last two countries with Russia – it’s not pleasing.

So, the enemy is at the gate - tens of thousands of foreigners and Russians who have returned from countries affected by coronavirus are potential sources of the infection. But is the border locked? And are Russian doctors ready to repel the attack?

We have reason to believe that the Ministry of Health is not fulfilling its duties and doctors are not ready to repel the infection en masse. Yes, China provided samples of the virus and Russian virologists made diagnostic test systems based on them, which went into mass production. Yes, information about the symptoms of coronavirus is spreading. But this is where the positive news ends.

And now the bad news.

  1. Virologists believe that the symptoms of coronavirus are easily confused with Viral respiratory infections and Acute respiratory diseases. "With coronavirus, the body temperature does not rise above 39°C, and the cough is often dry". But viral respiratory infections in at least 10% of cases are also a type of coronavirus strain, but without a fatal outcome, and the symptoms in this case do not differ much.

That is, without analyzing samples using molecular virological diagnostics at the first stages of development of coronavirus in the patient, in most cases, it is impossible to give an accurate diagnosis.

  1. You know better than me how many district doctors will give a diagnosis immediately, without carrying out tests. And most of those who go to private clinics will remain without tests for coronavirus, because the Ministry of Health did not require the management of clinics to purchase test systems for diagnostics.

  2. Why do you think the Ministry of Health does not report to the population how many therapists and pediatricians have been trained to diagnose coronavirus? Perhaps because there was no training at all?

  3. Even if the diagnosis is correct, there is no coronavirus vaccine, and it will not be available in the coming months. Doctors treat patients same as those with pneumonia, but not all recover, some are sent to the cemetery.

  4. And now think about how many hundreds of thousands of unconscious citizens are used to self-medication and no coronavirus will force them to go to the doctor in the early stages of the disease.

  5. The latest bad news. For some reason, everyone forgets about the original cause of coronavirus – bats, which "gifted" it to man. Bats from the Russian territory migrate annually to the territory of China and then return. Spring and the time to return home is about to come. For some reason, epidemiologists miss this key source of the virus.

All this media feeding frenzy, with stories about how to identify coronavirus and be sure to use a gauze mask, has nothing to do with the implementation of the state task of preventing the epidemic.

As a result, there are a lot of questions to the Ministry of Health, but no information. And personally, all this is very annoying for me. The likelihood of the facts that official sources are trying to feed us is very small.

So, the situation is not under control for Mr. President. Or under control, but he hushed up in order to hold the referendum? The media reports about four Russians and two foreigners quarantined, but the actual number of infected people may be many times greater, and the epidemic, as it happened in Wuhan, may break out at any moment.

I don't even want to think about the possibility that a fire is already burning somewhere, which, because of the connivance of the authorities, they don't even think to extinguish. And coronavirus is very profitable for the stolen pension fund, since it mows down mainly the elderly.

And now the question is: do you think that when an epidemic occurs in a certain region, Mr. President will allow the media to spread this information? Or will the FSB block all channels and explain to the "free press" that it is better to eat bread and butter in freedom than to gain the laurels of popularity and end up in prison for 5-7 years?

Knowing how the real causes of disasters and deaths that are many times higher than the official ones in Krymsk and the Irkutsk region were suppressed, you can be absolutely sure that in the event of an epidemic, only the information that will suit Mr. Putin will be received in the media and on social networks.

So I hope that you to see with both eyes and listen with both ears. Establish contacts with doctors, from whom you can learn the most up-to-date and accurate information about what is happening in your city. And work out the situation, in case you are not lucky and coronavirus will come to the streets where your family and friends walk.

Be alert and be healthy!

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