My best summer mountain experience yet

Dear Hivers,

I would like to show you a very popular tourist destination in Bulgaria that almost all Bulgarians are familiar with but most of them have never gone there because it is dangerous and full with open views. In this way I am also showing commitment to @theterminal and their week 2 challenge which is to write a travel/tour blog of my choice about my country.

So lets begin:


The story starts here. Me and 2 of my best friends decided that we will go to Pirin Mountains and particularly visit The small horse which is a knife-edge ridge at an elevation of approximately 2,810 metres and also the highest peak of Pirin Mountains - Vihren, reaching 2,914 metres (9,560 ft). The top image shows all the mountain massive that we are going to explore in brief.


Here is my gang on our way to the top. It was a beatiful sunny day. We left the car down where you see the Hut. This Hut functions only during the summer. In the winter, you have to leave the car like at least 2 hours walking distance back. The road is very steep and narrow.


As we were climbing, the nature was showing us its beauty.


We made a rock formation and the picture came out pretty cool 😎



As the altitude became higher, we were suprised by clouds. But these were just friendly ones, not rain intimidative.


Finally we reached the crossroads where 2 separate ways were leading one to The small horse and the other to the highest peak Vihren. We took the road to The small horse first.


We were going higher and higher and it was becoming blurrer and blurrer 😱


Finally we reached it! Some parts of it were re-inforced with steel cable, others not.


That is the view from the other side. Just an ordinary chasm. Here was the point where I felt a bit acrophobic. But my friends did not care much and they wanted pictures so I obliged...


Do not worry man. Just take the picture and make sure that it includes the hollow part. Sure... Just a second, my hands are shaking 😵


Are you sure the rocks are stable? Of course they are. They wouldn´t be here for centuries if they weren´t. Could not argue with this argument.


These guys are crazy. I am not trying that.


Seems like a safe place to be 😆


Just a short note on The small horse. It is named like that because less experienced hikers were going through it by saddling the ridge edge resembling horse slowly advancing.


We finally climbed to the top of the ridge and decided that we will not go back but go around until we reached our second destination - Vihren Peak.




We passed by another smaller peak called Kutelo. Just 2,908 m high 😃


After a lot of ups and downs, we finally reached our second destination and the highest peak of Pirin - Vihren.


Of course I had to climb up and smile. It was a tough trip 🙃


Here is another angle of the peak itself. Now it was time to go back as it was getting late.


Alright guys, I hope you liked my post. I have a question for you. Would you visit this place?

Thank you for viewing and have a great day!


All images in this blog are mine :)

Want to check the exact location of Pirin and Vihren? Check out the link provided by @pinmapple in the comments below ❤️

Stay happy, be peaceful!


I'm here to stay #bgn


Project info for my fellow Bulgarians

Помощна секция за платформата: @iliyan90


Image Credit: @fartunko

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