This entire United States criminal enterprise [RACKET] "government" and each of the many, many individuals within it's literally countless taxpayer-funded departments and agencies are all actively engaged in an elaborate multi-level criminal conspiracy and all are either wittingly or unwittingly engaged in egregious criminal collusion with the [Rothschilds-owned] privately-owned international bank(s) and several privately-owned international corporations and in direct collusion with the highly-oraganized criminal institution named the UNITED NATIONS.

These collaborative thoroughly CRIMINAL entities have been actively engaged in all imaginable High Crimes including but not limited to GENOCIDE; INTENSIVE MASS BRAINWASHING AND MASS MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING; All forms and manners of Mass Fraud, High Treason, Treachery; Embezzlement, Profiteering, Larceny; Human Slavery; Blackmail, Extortion, Bribery; Human Trafficking, Rape, Child Sex Slavery, Child Pornography, Child Trafficking, Adult and Child Murder; Human Organ harvesting and trafficking; Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering; Multiple Crimes Against Humanity; Domestic and International TERRORISM; GLOBAL AND LOCAL GENOCIDE.

This criminal "government" of the United States of America along with it's many wholly Tax-payer-funded departments and agencies' government officials, both elected and/or appointed, have actively, deliberately and ILLEGALLY been plotting against the very taxpaying citizens who fund them; And to thoroughly undermine the entire sovereignty of the United States of America, INCORPORATED; And have been deliberately and totally deceiving, by any and all means necessary, the taxpaying American citizenry; And these criminals have been perfidiously doing so ever since this country's very inception and creation.

The U.S. government's intensely insidious use of constant and incessant [LIES] propaganda tools, such as privately-owned [LIARS] media mouthpieces, compliant agency [LIARS] spokespersons and other willing [LIARS] quislings and covert [LIARS] agents do actively and constantly spread outright LIES and deliberate misinformation and disinformation through it's many highly organized and directed propaganda outlets mainly known as the "mainstream media."

The U.S. government has been engaged in all manners of criminal activities for multiple decades, particularly by a highly contemplated and systematic use of the C.I.A.-controlled and (JESUIT)Zionist-owned and controlled Mass Media, which is itself responsible for spreading constant LIES, half-truths, disinformation and misinformation through insidious and pernicious programs of mass mind control through use of Propaganda confabulated by those criminals within this unconstitutional, treasonous, fraudulent, illegal and thoroughly illegitimate United States government, including it's entire court system.

Each and every one of these programs have long been devised and implemented with very specific goals to brainwash and control the thoughts of the United States citizenry and concurrently to conceal the innumerable, ongoing and abhorrent genocidal crimes of this United States Criminal Racket.

The United States' Central Intelligence Agency, the C.I.A., just one of countless other thoroughly criminal agencies, is and always has been engaged in multiple seriously criminal operations, and is entirely funded by WE the taxpayers of the United States.

The C.I.A. is a government-sponsored Global Terrorist Organization and criminal network that has been actively engaged in constant assassinations; subversion, collusion, extortion, fraud; drug trafficking, money laundering; human trafficking, child prostitution, war crimes, treachery, treason, multiple foreign and domestic coups d'etat, multiple domestic and foreign assassinations, and countless myriad other strictly unconstitutional and treasonous activities, all highly illegal and all conducted in secrecy and without the knowledge or the consent of the Taxpaying citizens of the United States of America.

We the People of the United States do hereby demand the full and complete DISMANTLING, DISASSEMBLY of this ENTIRE AND THOROUGHLY CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, also known as The United States of America, INCORPORATE, including EVERY SINGLE [FRAUDULENT AND CRIMINAL] "Department" and "Agency."

This entire criminal enterprise, USA, INC., along with each of it's international [GENOCIDAL] cohorts, MUST BE STOPPED!!!

Further, all heretofore public "servants/employees" are to be forthwith held to full account through the thorough investigations and full disclosure to the citizenry; Immediate Indictments and Arrests; Public Trials and/or Tribunals of all former government employees, including the entire Military Industrial Apparatus; Post-haste legal proceedings and thorough prosecutions of every [former] public employee; the most severe punitive measures to be meted out to each and every one found guilty of any and all crimes; the forfeiture and lawful seizure of all ill-gotten gains; Remedies will be without fail, Lifetime imprisonment, lifelong exile, or, as strictly directed by the newly instated laws of our common land, public Execution of any and all guilty parties as determined by the U. S. citizens' NEW Courts of Law or Public Tribunals.

Finally, We the People of the United States of America do hereby demand forthwith full and immediate retribution to be paid by all those whom are determined as guilty of any and all of these most egregious, heinous crimes and henceforth, full reparations and full compensation to be paid in full to and for all citizens of the United States and all other likewise affected citizens around the entire world.

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