Roswell and Some Random Thoughts

Roswell and Some Random Thoughts
(By Vic Buaquen)
• The alien aircraft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is a fact, according to retired Col. Philip J. Corso. He has seen the remains of the aliens, the autopsy reports on them and he also headed the responsible military unit that back-engineered, adopted and put to military use many devises and technology that were recovered from the wreckage. Upon retiring from the military he wrote about this in his book The Day After Roswell. The following is a live interview of Philip Corso on the subject:
• There is, of course, an abundance of reports of UFO sightings and information from all over the world. The Chile government is probably the first government to make a formal report of one such sightings in 2013:…/government-agency-in-chil_b….
• The most credible disclosure on UFO and alien encounters is the press conference of May 9, 2001 in Washington DC: .
• US President Eisenhower asked Los Angeles Bishop James McIntyre to join him together with others to form a human panel to meet with extra-terrestial entities, the Greys, in a conference at Muroc Airfield (now Edwards Air Force Base) in California in February 1954. Bishop McIntyre violated his oath of secrecy about the matter when in two days he flew to Rome and reported the meeting to Pope Pius XII, notwithstanding US attempt to prevent the meeting. The Vatican then went on to organize SIV (Servizio Information del Vaticano) to take care of all matters concerning aliens. They have then built their own space observatories and the pope with Bishop McIntyre and some SIV personnel have met with different group of aliens, humanlike Etherians with light–emitting bodies and Nordics who appeared like Scandinavians, who expressed affinity with Christ and his message. Pope Pius XII supposedly refused ET offer to heal him and eventually died from his illness. The ET events supposedly led to convoking the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council to face imminent ET realities and influences. (Reference:…/pope-pius-xii-us-president-e…).
• The website Divine Cosmos has many relevant presentations on the subject of UFO and extra-terrestrials including pertinent and latest scientific findings. (
• Quite compelling is the emerging wealth of information from supposed whistleblowers and diverse sources revealing that:

  • The existing civilization on earth is largely influenced by alien interventions including our very genetic and biological makeup;
  • A breakaway group from Hitler’s regime that made bases in Brazil and Antartica attained space travel with ET help before the end of WW II. They have settlements in other planets including beneath the surface of our moon. A naval expedition force in 1947 commanded by Admiral Richard Byrd that approached their base in Antartica was roundly defeated and beaten back due to superior weaponry ( and
  • Beneath our oceans and also beneath the surface of the earth are settlements of both human and alien civilizations including some that are quite ancient.
  • Humanity, throughout its known history, has been enslaved and exploited by negative ETs through theirs minions who we now know as the Illuminati, the Cabal or World Controllers. They are now on the run for they have been defeated by the human and positive alien groups that opposed them. That is supposedly why the world is now in the midst of tumultuous changes in all aspects of human life, for the better. Death throes of the old order will still be felt by the world community but expectedly to be followed by peace, prosperity and freedom. What is strongly filtering through is that human free will still holds sway and that what happens next from here is all up to mankind, collectively. All the positive aliens helping us, much more powerful than we are, are inhibited from doing the work that supposedly was meant for man to do, just like the prime directive of Star Trek. Man must still create his own reality and may not be made or done by anyone else;
  • It is now time of the “harvest” as mentioned in the books of Matthew, Mark and John of the bible. Those ready shall leave this third density world and ascend to higher dimensions while those not ready or hesitant to leave this world shall be moved to a world with the appropriate conditions;
  • The positive aliens admonished us that to ascend, we have to be loving, compassionate and oriented to caring and serving others, but foremost, we have to love and be compassionate with our own self, first;
  • And finally, in the face of all these development, believing or not, we must individually make a stand on what we want to happen next to our personal lives. No more fence sitters nor neutral grounds. Our collated wishes shall form mankind’s collective will. Those not making a stand shall be counted among those who stand for nothing. All others could opt for their highest and most beautiful dreams because now, more than ever, we are empowered creators of our own reality.

Roswell Revisited -- Colonel Phillip J. Corso
Colonel Phillip J. Corso, US Army (ret.). For more information, visit at Speci...

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