Beneficial Rosemary!!!!

Though we use Rosemary as a seasoning, it has a huge effect on our body for of course betterment. It is one of the most popular aromatic and medicinal plants.
Rosemary use for better brain work. If we can breathe rosemary essential oil our brain will function more, but it's not only good for health it is also used as a mental health lifter .: Rosemary oil weaken the cell walls of antibiotic-resistant bacteria; not only damaging them but also enabling antibiotics to enter.
Rosemary oil also decreases Cortisol Levels. A small 2007 study published in Psychiatry Research by Japanese researchers found that five minutes of breathing in rosemary and lavender helped to decrease salivary cortisol levels in 22 healthy volunteers. Rosemary has been used traditionally for combatting hair loss. Researchers, comparing it with minoxidil. Rosemary is one of the best essential oils around for stimulating movement and supporting the cleansing action in the immune system.
To help relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu – stuffy nose, cough, and congestion; try massaging one or two drops of the oil on your chest and throat every few hours and see the magic result.

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