Rose Sprout

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I love rose and so other people. It beautiful and smells good. Few weeks ago (maybe few months), I planted some rose seeds. Now, it's already sprouting. ![image](
I am sure it is rose this time. Because it looks pretty similar to this rose sprouts. I found this image from google.

image image via google

I've been mistaken this sprout for the rose before. Because it grows where I put my rose seeds. I don't know what kind of plants is this. But, now I know it's not rose ofcourse. ![image](
I already forgot, when I plant those rose seed. I didn't count how many weeks it takes to grow sprout like this. But, I am glad it's finally grows beautifuly. I always dream about growing rose from seed. Now it happens for sure 🌹

I don't even know what colour that rose is. That day, I just got the rose hips and took the seed. My brother gave it to me and I didn't ask about the detail. After I took the seed, I burried them on dirt.

I can't wait to see its flower. I am curious about the colour. But, I won't ask my brother. I will wait until it bloom 🌹

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