Game Review: ROR GAME - ReviewHunt Quest

Recently the new platform has been released and the new look of Reviewhunt is why I decided to go into different Quests because in addition to being able to earn some money in a super-easy way, I have also come across a great game and reward application called ROR GAME.


ROR GAME is basically an application that has a great compilation of super addictive mini-games (believe me because the one with the arrows has caught me very quickly and I can't stop playing it) that will also give us rewards depending on the amount of points or levels that we manage to reach, but the great thing about this app doesn't stop there, and is that also every certain time (60 seconds if I'm not wrong) we will be able to see some videos and ads in order to collect DIA which is a kind of token that we can later exchange for different things.

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Basically this app combines the best of mini-games with an economy based on token very easy to achieve that will quickly allow us to accumulate a very good amount of interchangeable tokens.

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Maybe the lowest point of the app is that some of the mini-games take a little while to load but I have loved this and I can't wait to take it further in some of the games, so don't wait any longer and try it out.

You can download here

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