Window Pain

We have about a month of winter left here in NJ. This was my lake last year. Beautiful isn’t it?


This morning I stare out my window looking out at the same lake. Year after year I would stare out my window looking at the people ice fish, skate, or just run around on the ice. The feeling of freedom and bliss would always captivate me.

This year‘s view is a little bit different. The ground looks soggy, the air looks clouded, and the lake doesn't have that beautiful sheet of ice laying over it .

I can’t help but look out my window and be at awe of how nature handles change.

There is an unknown for everybody in this world. Some people fear change and some people embrace it, but we shouldn’t fight it.

Nature knows exactly what to do. It does not fight change. It goes through fire, flood, and man made destruction.

Yet it always redeems itself. Embraces its changes and does what comes naturally for it.

As our world and personal lives go through change, although it could be scary, we must embrace it. We must take advice from the real world that God made and not our man made world.

Nature symbolizes beauty and change that nobody can do better, but we can only learn from it by experiencing it.... and looking out your window every once in awhile

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