6 Tips to Avoid Root Canal Treatment in the Future

A root canal is the best tooth-saving treatment available. But going through that process can be altogether avoided if you keep your teeth clean and healthy. You can avoid the pain that follows tooth decay and cavities. Follow these tips to avoid tooth decay and root canal treatment.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting your dentist regularly will ensure the early cavities are spotted and proper treatment is given to avoid tooth destruction. They can also clean and remove plaque in your teeth. If these cavities are left untreated, they become deep and reach the interior of the tooth where the nerves meet. This will be incredibly painful and you will even lose your sleep. By seeing your dentist regularly every six months, minor tooth decay can be treated, and stop the situation before it becomes problematic.

Brush Twice Daily

This is something we start hearing from day 1, but brushing twice daily is something we skip. But this is critical in maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth after every meal is also encouraged, if you can’t follow that then gently rinse your mouth with water will help you in washing away left-behind food particles.

Floss Daily

Flossing is still an alien concept to us Indians. But it is very important along with brushing to wash away the food particles which are left behind. Your teeth won’t be completely clean unless you floss. But to properly floss you need proper practice, take your time to learn proper flossing techniques and make it part of your oral hygiene practices. Improve your flossing technique and prevent future root canals. This can also make your jaw strong.

Use Toothpaste with Fluoride

Fluoride toothpaste can strengthen your teeth by helping in the remineralization of the enamel layer on the teeth. The enamel layer protects the teeth from tooth decay. Using fluoride toothpaste twice daily is the easiest and most cost-effective way to prevent tooth decay. Most of the toothpaste in the market today is fluoride toothpaste, you can ask your dentist to suggest the best toothpaste.

Sleep with Mouth Guard

If you are somebody who grinds your teeth at night while sleeping, this teeth grinding can wear away enamel and this will eventually lead to tooth decay. A mouth guard can act as protection during the night. If a dentist observes your teeth, they can understand whether you grind the teeth or not and they can customize a mouth guard for you which will not affect your sleep.

Eat Mindfully

Diet plays a significant role in the health of your teeth and in preventing root canal treatment. If your food contains a high amount of added sugar then it can lead to tooth decay eventually. Acidic foods and drinks also break down your enamel and promote bacterial growth by feeding them sugar. So, always choose water when you are thirsty. Mindful eating will help you in many ways, it will also promote your overall well-being.

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