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What your foot shape reveals about you?

We all have different feet and toes, but we hardly think what it might mean and how it connects to our personalites. However, it does!

You might be very suprised to learn that your feet can say far more about you than you think. Take a closer look at the shape of your feet to learn something surprising about yourself.

  1. The Egyptian foot

Such feet are frequent among secretive people, loners, and those prone too mood swings.

  1. The Roman foot

People with such feet are generally sociable and friendly. This foot type was more common amongst charismatic public figures of ancient Rome than any other, Hence the name.

  1. The Peasant foot

People with such feet are calm, reasonable and practical. Tipically, they are very reliable because they always keep their word.

  1. The Greek foot

People with this foot type are usually artistic, emotional, and inclined to leadership. It often occurs in athletes.

  1. A little toe THAT DOESN'T MOVE

People with this foot type have a calm, measured, and predictable life. They're coservative workaholics, as cool as cucumbers.

  1. A little toe THAT YOU CAN MOVE

They're easygoing, adventurous, and in constant search of change. They often cannot settle down. Yes it's always easy to cheer them up if you offer to do something crazy together!

  1. A very short little toe

People with isolated toes usually prefer to defy public opinion and to do everything in their own manner, they are true rebeles!

  1. The third toe is turned outward

People with such feet prefer to carefully plan everything in advance. They are very organized and keep everything under control in any situation. That's we call perfectionists!

  1. A gap between the second and third toe

If you have this type of foot, you are likely able to perfectly separate logic from emotion, you can become an excellent diplomat, analyst, or trader.

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