Why am i always

falling for these men
I recently fell in love with a guy who has been hurt and single for years for his son
He has said he wants to stay single for his son fair enough but his son is 16 and even his son has a g/f
People keep telling me that he likes me and that they can see the chemistry between us so why are men afraid to act on it
Its not like iv never been hurt my partner of 20 years i have 2 children with him ran off with his female boss so yes i have had my fair share of heartache
But this guy i dunno we have so much in common we sit up all night and talk , yes talk things people rarely do now
This is one of the reasons i have fallen for him he dont want me just for one thing (yes we have slept together)
Well i have decided if he wants me he will find a way , so im not going to go see his this weekend so will see if he even realises im not there lol

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