5 reasons why now is the time to turn Roman Reigns heel

Let's start off by saying that we are all Roman Reigns fans. We believe that he is a talented individual who, despite overwhelming fan criticism, has ascended the ranks and established himself as a legitimate main eventer in WWE. He has improved immensely from the time he was asked to undertake a task he wasn't ready for and has earned his place at the pinnacle of sports entertainment.

Nobody garners the kind of reaction he does, maybe with the exception of John Cena. You ask...WWE is a profitable company with Reigns at the helm...why would they not want to maintain status quo? We give you 5 reasons that may make you ponder the possibilities, and come to the conclusion that a shift in character may be the need of the hour, right now.

If Reigns were able to tap into his dark side and unleash his inner demons, there would be a chance to create a character who could change the wrestling industry forever, for a very long time. Roman Reigns needs to go heel right away and here are 5 reasons why! Let us know if you agree or disagree in the comments below.

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