To Battle a Monster

"God's Gift" Jeremiah Vastrix can be seen sitting at a bar and nursing some fufu drink with an umbrella in it. He takes a sip from his drink and sets it down with a chuckle.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: You might as well just come sit down and join me, Rose.

Rose Johnston comes out from behind Jeremiah and takes the barstool next to him.

ROSE JOHNSTON: How did you know it was me standing behind you?

Jeremiah taps his temple where it gives off a metallic sound.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I get three hundred and sixty degree vision with this last upgrade. Whatcha got going on? Need a drink?

Jeremiah motions over the bartender, Rose just smiles.

ROSE JOHNSTON: I'll have what he's having.

As the bartender goes off to make a drink, Rose looks to Jeremiah.

ROSE JOHNSTON: I just wanted to get your thoughts on this upcoming match with Lulu Biggs. How are things going with your training while trying to run an international company?

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I understand that UOW is running out of people to contact to come wrestle for them.

Rose takes a sip of her drink that the bartender drinks, Jeremiah sets some money down on the bar for the drink. She frowns at Jeremiah.

ROSE JOHNSTON: What makes you say that?

Jeremiah chuckles, downing his drink, and ordering another.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Lulu Biggs? He's a hired thug from the hood that's probably paid in drugs for him to sell on the streets. Why would he even be in a wrestling ring if not for that?

ROSE JOHNSTON: He wants to prove himself capable of taking his sumo warrior skills into American wrestling. He is a talented fighter, Jeremiah.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: He's a trained sumo wrestler and a former mob boss. He is six hundred freaking pounds though so I will have to take that into consideration when I'm whipping his ass. I might pop a nut.

Rose finishes her drink, prompting Jeremiah to order her another.

ROSE JOHNSTON: Pop a nut? He might flatten you like a pancake if he can get a splash or an avalanche into play.

Jeremiah seems to consider the concept of trying to take six hundred pounds in such a way. He shudders and gets out a cigarette, lighting it up with a quick flash of light from his right eye.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: You know what? You might have a point there. I'll have to stick and move I think in order to keep from being obliterated by his bulk. Thanks for that.

Jeremiah blows smoke into the air while Rose Johnston seems to consider her next question.

ROSE JOHNSTON: Lulu Biggs is a former sumo champion. He's going to be quicker on his feet than you know and lightning fast with his hands. He'll work to knock you down and jump on you with his weight.

Jeremiah flicks ashes into an ashtray that the bartender places on the bar from when Jeremiah lights up the cigarette.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I should maybe just give it up now then, yeah? What do you think? I should just throw in the towel before even stepping into the ring?

ROSE JOHNSTON: No. I just think that you should be careful in wrestling this one. I think I can speak for Olivia Cooke when I say she doesn't want anything like what happened in Korea happen to you again.

Jeremiah nods, putting his cigarette butt out in the ashtray and taking another sip from his drink.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I'll keep that in mind.

Jeremiah frowns, turns and looks to see Tarrasque barreling through the room. He breezes by Rose Johnston as he plows into Jeremiah with a spear to knock him from the bar stool to the floor. He grabs Jeremiah by the hair and smashes his face into the side of the bar. He holds Jeremiah's face there with a savage laugh.

ROSE JOHNSTON: What is this? Stop!

Jeremiah elbows Tarrasque in the midsection a few times to get him to let go. Jeremiah stands up, blood streaming from his scalp as he looks at the monster.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: What do you want from me?

Tarrasque beats his chest with a roar.


Tarrasque launches a furious assault with his fists that Jeremiah desperately deflects with lightning fast reflexes. That is until Jeremiah can find an opening to strike back. He punches Tarrasque in the jaw a few times, staggering the giant.

Blood trickles from a split lip as Tarrasque grins through bloody teeth.

TARRASQUE: Harder if you want live!

Tarrasque grabs the front of Jeremiah's shirt and hurls him over a nearby table. Jeremiah pops up to be clotheslined back down to the floor. He sits up, but Tarrasque kicks him back to the floor.

Rose Johnston frowns as she spies Jeremiah's sidearm sitting on the barstool from where it fell from it's holster. She seizes it, but keeps it at her side.

Tarrasque picks Jeremiah up and tosses him like a ragdoll up against the bar again. He climbs up to the top of a table and roars. He leaps from the table right into a superkick from Jeremiah Vastrix that sends him over the table and to the floor.

Tarrasque just stands back up, staggering from a drop kick from Jeremiah.

Jeremiah grabs a glass pitcher and smashes it into Tarrasque's face. He reaches for his gun, cursing when he finds that it isn't there. He grabs beer bottle, smashing it against Tarrasque's face.


Jeremiah smashes Tarrasque with lefts and rights, sending the beast back a few steps. He grabs the beast, suplexing him through a table. Jeremiah jumps to his feet, wiping blood from his face.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Stay down, beast!

Tarrasque growls as he slowly gets up, blood pouring from nearly a dozen cuts in his face.

TARRASQUE: You brave. You strong. Not enough!

Tarrasque takes Jeremiah down with a shoulder charge, grabs him by the hair, and begins smashing the back of his head into the floor. He rolls the stunned Jeremiah over and applies a camel clutch. Except instead of pulling back on the chin, he places one hand on the chin and one hand on the forehead so he can break Jeremiah's neck.

TARRASQUE: Now you die!

Rose Johnston points the gun at Tarrasque and screams.

ROSE JOHNSTON: Let him go! Let him go or I will shoot!

Tarrasque just grins.

TARRASQUE: You no have guts. Me kill him!


Tarrasque roars as he gets ready to break Jeremiah's neck when Rose shoots him in the head. Tarrasque releases Jeremiah, falling dead to the floor.

Jeremiah Vastrix stands up, rubbing the back of his neck with a smile.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Thanks for that.

Rose hands the sidearm back to Jeremiah who holsters it. She looks down at the dead Tarrasque.

ROSE JOHNSTON: Isn't that Anderson's monster?

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: He was. I'm not sure who took control of him once I fired Anderson though or if he actually kept the beast.

Jeremiah takes out his cell phone, grunting as he notes that the screen is cracked.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Hello. I was just attacked by an assassin. The assassin is dead. I need a clean up crew to come take care of things.

Jeremiah puts his phone away and laughs.

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Guess I should really know to keep my guard with me.

ROSE JOHNSTON: You going to be alright for your match with Lulu Biggs?

JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I'll be fine. I'll be ready for that six hundred pound monster.

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