Muslim Terrorists AKA Rohingyas AKA Bangladeshis getting beat down

Muslim Terrorists AKA Rohingyas AKA Bangladeshis getting beat down in Myanmar. I am glad for it. Those so called Rohingyas who are originally Bangladeshi Bengali Muslims entered Myanmar as refugees like those of Europe happening right now and after 40 years having dozen children each increased their population forcefully and started killing local Buddhist Myanmar people. Buddhists are peaceful and strong people. They got angry now over all the killings and now killing these islamic terrorists like mad dogs. Army is doing its part. I am very thankful that's it's happening. Everyone needs to protect their culture their land otherwise these muslims gonna steal everything. Now these Rohingyas are escaping and coming back to Bangladesh. Same thing is happening is Thailand and in Xinjiang province in China. Chinese government is also exterminating these muslims. Good job. Europe is fucked though. All those refugees they are all soldiers, there is no women only men. World beware war has started everywhere, religious wars. Last 70 years everyone was sleeping now they are waking up.

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