The Cryptolife of Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus

Or should we say Bitcoin Cash Jesus…

Explosive StartAccording to Wikipedia, Roger Ver’s career had an explosive start, after dropping out of college and becoming CEO of, Ver was sentenced to 10 months in prison for dealing in illegal firecrackers. Roger used the time productively by learning Japanese and he moved to Japan in 2006. Bitcoin JesusVer’s company, Memorydealers became the first company to accept Bitcoin in 2011 and his early adoption and advocacy of the cryptocurrency earned him the nickname, Bitcoin Jesus.


Since starting to invest in Bitcoin in early 2011, Ver invested in various Bitcoin-related businesses and relatedstartups including Ripple,, Bitpay, and Kraken.In 2014 Ver gained control and became CEO of  He is also one of the founders of the Bitcoin Foundation and in June 2016, Ver was appointed the chairman of the Cryptocurrency Advisory Board for MGT Capital Investments. MGT aims to improve cybersecurity and is headed by John McAfee 

Bitcoin Cash‘I Hold the Majority of My Cryptocoin Wealth in Bitcoin Cash’ – Roger Ver 

The statement above was made by Ver on the Cryptoshow, 22 November 2017.

One of the problems confronting Bitcoin is the question of scalability and in 2017, rising fees and slow transaction times brought urgency to the situation. In mid-July 2017, mining pools and companies representing roughly 80% to 90% of Bitcoin computing power voted to incorporate a technology known as a segregated witness, called SegWit2x. Unfortunately, there was a lack of consensus amongst developers which led directly to the creation of Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash was started by Bitcoin miners and developers equally concerned with the future of the cryptocurrency, and its ability to scale effectively. 

Roger Ver was one of the main drivers of Bitcoin Cash and he felt SegWit2x did not address the fundamental problem of scalability in a meaningful way, nor did it follow the roadmap initially outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. On August 1st, some miners and developers initiated what is known as a hard fork, effectively creating a new currency: Bitcoin Cash. 

Bitcoin Cash has implemented an increased block size of 8mb, to accelerate the verification process, with an adjustable level of difficulty to ensure the chain’s survival and transaction verification speed, regardless of the number of miners supporting it.

Bitcoin Cash Jesus Roger Ver has now become Messiah in chief for Bitcoin Cash and here are some of this latest quotes and tweets.

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