Rocking it

How many of you are part of the painting rocks phenomenon? You don’t have to be an artist all you need to do is express yourself. Bring joy to someone else just by simply putting a kind word on a rock. Find a local group on FB if you desire to post pictures of your rock and your finds. You never know when you will make someone’s day especially when they need it. It’s a great family activity for all ages. It’s nice to see how far your rock as traveled or how it made all the difference in someones day. After all, a good friend told me once there are no such things as coincidences it’s the universe trying to tell you something. Case and point. I made an unexpected stop at the park on the water today. Today was one of my “mourning” days I like to call them so I wasn’t myself. Out of the corner of my eye I see a rock and then another. Funny thing is one of the rocks say what I tend to say since my fathers passing. “ I’m broken.” Then I find a rock of footprints in the sand. Coincidence I think not.


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