Using Rocket League for procrastination

Ever heard of the game Rocket League?

Do you like soccer? And do you like car games? I guarantee this is the best game! You are controlling this car, like a little bumper car, and the goal is to.. Score goals. Like in soccer. But with this big giant ball - and also bump into the other cars to defend your own goal.

I saw my older brother playing it a couple of years ago and thought "Ey. That looks fun, maybe I'll look in to it sometime" . Now two years or something later - I finally bought the game.. And it's good! No. Great!

I haven't played videogames like this for like five years time.. Once I had a Playstation and played lots of other games. Crash Bandicoot, Bubble Bobble and Rayman was my favorites games - and still are.

I couldn't have bought the game at a worse time though.. I am in the middle of writing paper for an exam which I have to defend orally in a few weeks time.. So this. This has become a procrastination... Also the heat in Denmark. It's like 25 C or something these days (which is a little unusual for the Danish summer) and I'm sitting inside playing computer games.. 😂

So here is a few pictures from my late night snack procrastination
Nachos with vegan cheese.. And Rocket League..

It just wasn't enough with just nachos.. So I found some vegan bananabread in my freezer for dessert. 😍


Best procrastination ever. Though an easy time-consumer as you just loose track of time..
I think it would be much more fun playing with other people.. So if anyone is playing or is going to - feel free to befriend me.. The game can be bought through Steam.. ( My nickname is 'Filosofie'.

What are your favourite videogames?

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