
Escapism vs Realism. Globalists are trying to blow up even more and blame it all on us. They've been doing it. They're ramping it up. They are trying to murder Trump. They are trying to cause civil unrest and blame it on conservatives, patriots, etc, on us. They are trying to get many people to kill Trump, to kill patriots, to kill each other, and they are also trying to blame all the murder and all the violence on the conservatives, on people who didn't do it. Globalists and others are involved in trying to murder Trump, patriots, etc, to take over the United States, to take over Russia, to take over different countries, to rule the world, to setup one world governance, etc. Globalists are involved in dozens of big international crimes for decades and for centuries in some cases and they will not stop and have not stopped. If you are reading this, you can either help the globalists by doing nothing or you can pass on the word. Just tell one other person or write it down. Share this with somebody. That is all you have to do. Well, I mean, that is the least you can do, if you care. If you want to go against the destroyers of civilization, the globalists. Or you can pretend you didn't read this and you can simply never eat original green oatmeal joey food and you can simply move on. The choice is yours. Alex Jones talks about fighting against the cancer of global governments.

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Usman Khan Screenshot at 2019-12-06 11:24:17.png

2019-12-06 - Friday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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07:33 PM - Alex Jones Full Show 12 6 2019


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Voter Fraud

12:51 AM - Steemit

How did Hillary Clinton steal it from Bernie Sanders in 2016? How did they steal it in 2018? How did they almost steal it in 2016 from Trump in a variety of ways via the rigged voting machines that are owned by people like Soros and others and via people who vote multiple times in the names of dead people and people who live in other states and via illegal immigrants who vote and via millions of ballot boxes that are not counted and left on the side of highways and other places, right? In 2019, Millie Weaver has been following one big example of what is happening in one race in Kentucky for example. The list goes on and on. We can we talk about how they have been stealing elections in the United States and in many different countries for many decades, that is in the 1900's and even more so in the 2000's all around the world. We can talk all day about so many different things. Plus, they are trying to murder Trump, poison Trump, impeach and remove Trump, etc, etc. Globalists and others are doing so many different things to stop Trump and to stop patriots and conservatives and good people around the world in a variety of ways. It is a big long list. Either you fight back or you are guilty of letting them take over the world.

Honey I Shrunk The Kids

01:06 AM - Steemit

Would you prefer the original actors for a reboot or a 3rd sequel?

Geeks + Gamers

01:17 AM - YouTube Rewind 2019 - Another Out Of Touch Disaster

James Bond

02:00 AM - NO TIME TO DIE Trailer

Car with guns.

Black chick.

White chick.

World Class

02:10 AM - Hollywood Loses Faith in The Rise of Skywalker - WCBs199

Escapism vs Realism

Movies can help us escape.

Therefore, it does not have to be too real.

Depends on the story, perhaps.

But some stories can be fun.

If you want a fun show to watch.

That can be a virtue with escapism.

And Gamification.

If you want real, watch a documentary.


She died in End Game.

So, some people don't want to see a movie about her.

But everybody dies.


Star Wars is a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

They all dead now too.

But if it is a great story, then it doesn't matter who is dead or not.

Somebody says James Bond is not a serial.

But why not?

Why not do both?

I like serials.


11:11 AM - What Is Impeachment? (And How Does It Work?)

Steven Crowder Show

Ted Cruz


12:07 PM - The Alex Jones Show Fri 12/06/19 1st Hour


2012-01-17 - Tuesday - Frank Harker

2012-01-17 - Tuesday - Emmerdale Screenshot at 2019-12-06 12:18:18.png


January 17 2012 (1/2)

Dishes. Laundry. Photo album project. Scanned 38 pics which includes pictures from the 1900's and maybe a few in the early 2000's. One time, our youth group went to a Creation Fest thingy in the summer of like 1999. So, I scanned 13 pics of that. I have to go check to find out what year that was. But certainly around that time. One of those years. Probably before 2001. I scanned a picture of mom next to her piano in like the 1960's. Family group photos from 1994. Pictures from when Jim Atkins and his son, Josh, and his like filipino GF, visited in November of 1992. We saw Home Alone II in the theater in Forest Grove. That came out like late in November, around Thanksgiving. They were probably here during Thanksgiving, which mean they got here on a Thursday at the latest or maybe the day before that. They probably stayed several days or longer. About a month later, dad took some of us to California. We visited relatives and Disneyland. Before that, I was assembling photo album binders. That includes photos of my mom's mom, Dwana, and photos of Dwana when she was like one years old in like 1929 and also 1930 and 1943 and 1945 and 1947 and maybe 1948. And then photos of Dwana with her first kid, my mom, her daughter, in 1951, and Dick and others. So, I have been working on this project on and off since 2018.

Katie & Amanda

This is from the summer of 1987. This is in front of the trailer we grew up at, space 163. Amanda was a friend of Katie. Dad had this black or grey or whatever car I think.

1987 - Summer - Katie, Amanda, in front of trailer number 183 - 1pic.png

Family Group Photos

1994 - Marilyn, Rick, Joey, & Crystal - 3pics.

1994 - Arnold Family Group Photos - Marilyn, Rick, Crystal, Joey - 3pics-2.png
1994 - Arnold Family Group Photos - Marilyn, Rick, Crystal, Joey - 3pics-1.png
1994 - Arnold Family Group Photos - Marilyn, Rick, Crystal, Joey - 3pics-3.png

Family Group Photo

1987-11 - November of 1987 - Rick, Katie, Marilyn, Joey.

1987-11 - Rick, Katie, Marilyn, Joey - Family Photo - SMALLER.png

Arnold's on TV

1983-01 - January of 1983 - A local television show. Somebody interviewed my mom. In this picture, you can see Marilyn, Donald, Rick, and Katie.

1983-01 - Marilyn, Don, Rick, Katie, on a local television show 01 of 02.png


Date on the back of the photo:

1983-01 - Marilyn, Don, Rick, Katie, on a local television show 02 of 02.png

Family Group Photo

This may have been in 1988. If not, then it is certainly from between the years of 1986 and 1990. My best guess is 1988. My second guess would be 1987. In this photo, you can see Alan and Nathan Williams; Joey, Katie, and Rick. This is in our front yard, at space 163.

1988 maybe of Alan, Nathan, Joey, Katie, Rick, at DAFG Front Yard.png

Mom & Her Piano

In the 1960's or 1970's, probably at her dad's house in Roseburg, Oregon. My mom is Marilyn Kathleen Morehead Hunter Arnold Rasp Cunningham Mitchell.

1960's or 1970's - Marilyn Morehead.png

Real-Life X-Files

09:15 PM - Facebook | Twitter | Dissenter

Microchips are being implanted into the homeless.

Porn On Facebook?

Did you know that there is porn on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc?


07:33 PM - Alex Jones Full Show 12 6 2019


09:25 PM - Free Square | Dissenter

Some of the alleged laws in America have been influenced by Oxford and others during the past century especially. The infiltration of educational and governmental systems have shifted things in a variety of ways. They continue to push humanity, globally, towards accepting thought crimes, hate speech, 1984 tyranny, etc.

Fighting Injustice

09:33 PM - FS | Dissenter | Minds

Rob Roy said that people could possibly win legal battles against Weird Al, assuming he made more money than they did, assuming he didn't get legal permission or whatever the case might be. But that doesn't say much in a world where Roger Stone, Tommy Robinson, the Hitler Dog Man, parents thanks to CPS, people who collect rain water, Julian Assange, potentially Edward Snowden, the Proud Boys, etc, are sent to jail, etc, etc. Judges fought Trump on the so-called Muslim Ban. So, of course, you can lose a battle, a case, in the court of law. That doesn't mean you are wrong. In some cases, it means that the judges are wrong. We know, when we are honest, that too many judges are too corrupt. That is bad. Things should be better than that. We should fight against injustice. We should always try to raise awareness of the injustice that happens. That is what Alex Jones talks about.

Rules Are Tyrannical?

10:02 PM - FS | Dissenter | Minds

@Memeart, rules are like tools, like systems. If there is a God, then God is king of all the other kings. He is the King of kings, the ultimate rule maker. If there is no God, or outside of God, it can be survival of the fittest to some extent according to some people.

We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. So, rules, laws, regulations, code, guidelines, policies, etc, can be made by people who can be flawed. That means that the rules can be flawed. Whether rules are tyrannical or not depends on whether the rules are fair and it may also depend on whether tyranny is good or bad. Well, generally, tyranny is defined as a bad thing. Generally, as government gets bigger, they begin to demand more from people.

Now, keep in mind, that there appears to be some natural laws of the universe. There are systems that dictate how things work. Some of that can be understood in the study science for example. We know that when water becomes too cold, the water freezes into ice. That is like a rule, a law. We can talk about gravity, physics, mathematics, etc. So, we can see that rules can be like a mirror as described in the book of Romans. Rules can simply describe the order of the universe as seen in science, like I said. This means that natural philosophy is simply what it is. The rules of the universe simply tells us how things are. This may mean that it may be irrelevant if rules are tyrannical or not in the sense and to the extent that they simply describe how things are like mirrors can show us the dirt on our face.

Alex Jones talks about fighting against the cancer of global governments. So, that is what we do. We promote local governments over international governments. Right now, they are implanting computer chips into the homeless population all over the United States. The United Nations (U.N.) and others are taking over America in a variety of ways. When we are not trying to shrink the size of government, that is when government grows. Bad people can make bad laws. Good people might be able to make good laws. People are good and bad which means rules and laws are good and bad.

We should always try to promote private property rights which copyright laws are violating by the way. Rob Roy has a small brain. Rob Roy has no idea what that means. I have wrote about these things many times in 2019 and some people would rather bow to the tyranny of corrupt copyright laws than support private property rights. Data is copied via electricity. It runs around the world. To own the distribution of content is to activate socialism, communism, as it is in fact the means of production. You should be allowed to make up whatever rules you want for your own land and your own property to the extent it does not collide with the rights of others. When they are in conflict, that is what judges are for. Too often, tech cartels make too many decisions pre-trial as opposed to post-trial.

Nap for almost three hours from 10:00 PM to about 12:50 AM.

They are trying to murder Trump.

They are trying to cause civil unrest and blame it on conservatives, patriots, etc, on us.

They are trying to get many people to kill Trump, to kill patriots, to kill each other, and they are also trying to blame all the murder and all the violence, on the conservatives, on people who didn't do it.

Globalists and others are involved in trying to murder trump, patriots, etc, to take over the United States, to take over Russia, to take over different countries, to rule the world, to setup one world governance, etc.

Globalists are involved in dozens of big international crimes for decades and for centuries in some cases and they will not stop and have not stopped. If you are reading this, you can either help the globalists by doing nothing or you can pass on the word. Just tell one other person or write it down. Share this with somebody. That is all you have to do. Well, I mean, that is the least you can do, if you care. If you want to go against the destroyers of civilization, the globalists. Or you can pretend you didn't read this and you can simply never eat original green oatmeal joey food and you can simply move on. The choice is yours.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-12-05 - Thursday
2019-12-06 - Friday
2019-12-07 - Saturday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
I like hot tea.
I like ice cream.


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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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