The robot that got the first citizenship!


Saudi Arabia has, as the first country in the world, given a robot a citizenship. Sophia is her name. But she meets with criticism.

It was at a conference on future technology investments, Future Investment Initiative, in the capital Riyadh - an event where Saudi Arabia wants to establish itself as an investment hub - as the disclosure was made, Techcrunch writes, adding that it may be more like a pr- trick.

"I am very honored and proud of this unique award," said the robot from the stage.

But the criticism has not been awaiting not least because a women's bot receives civic rights while the country's women still need to be guarded.

The Saudis on Twitter used the hash tag #Robot_with_Saudi_nationality 30,000 times but it was challenged by the hash tag #Sophia_calls_for_dropping_guardianship used 10,000 times, writes BBC News.

Critics also argued that Saudi Arabia lives on guest workers who can not even leave the country without their employer's permission.

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