Tech News: Need a Friend or Help Around the House? Buy a Robot!

  • Advances in AI and robotics are paving the way for the addition of robots in our everyday lives.

In this article I will discuss a few robots that are on the market now making fundamental changes in everyday perception about how far we have come as a species technologically.

The robot in the picture above is called 'Aeolus' and was named after the Greek god of the wind. Apparently this bot has many abilities which include fetching you a beer from the fridge, vacuuming, picking up toys and finding your lost glasses. But don't get too excited. Only the super rich will be able to afford this expensive piece of tech considering the price tag will probably be five figures. If you do happen to have the cash laying around you can expect to see it next year.

What about a robot dog to keep you company? I'm talking about the 'Sony Aibo.' This robotic K-9 comes with touch-sensitive panels and can learn to differentiate between family members’ voices. Another valuable use case focuses on the fact that it can also act as a wifi-connected guard dog constantly keeping the score with the camera embedded in its nose. At the moment this puppy is only available in Japan and although affordable for some, the 198,000¥ (£1,300) and 2,980¥ (£20) monthly subscription can put people off.

Need a buddy? How about grabbing yourself a brand new 'Buddy the Robot' from the local shopping mall.

Like a sort of smiley, pancake-faced R2-D2, Buddy is touted as a “companion” that can tutor your children and keep an eye on elderly relatives. Much like the Amazon Echo, it can also suggest recipes, maintain your schedule and announce the weather forecast. Unlike the Echo, it can follow you around on castors, if that’s an attraction.

This buddy clearly has a lot of cool features that can really make quality of life better from the sound of things!

Techblogger Wrap-Up

The world of robotics is always changing. The sheer number of new consumer robots hitting the market in 2018 drops my jaw to the floor. I'm excitedly anticipating interacting with these new robots as I advance in my career as a technology writer. If you are robotics manufacturer and would like a nice review of your product just leave a comment below and I'll follow up shortly!

Thanks for reading @Techblogger!


Household robots: more than just expensive toys… - The Guardian

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The Guardian

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