
Good afternoon friends..
How do you expect all of you to be very well today I want to give you some information about Cheetah.😝

Ingenious inventors have dreamed up machines that can do almost anything, from playing chess to exploring Mars. but there's no single robot that can do everything- yet.
Part mechanical and part electronic, robots are automated machines that clank, scuttle, and whiz around doing dirty and dangerous jobs that people prefer not to. Robots sniff out bombs, drag survivors from earthquakes, and can even make nuclear explosions safe.
Most robots that exist today can't think for themselves, and have to be reprogrammed every time they do something new. in the future, robots might become autonomous- with built- in computer brains, they will think for themselves, learn for their mistakes, and possibly do things even better than humans.
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artificial intelligence....

computers and Robots are only as claver as the people who created them, but what if we program them so they learn from their mistakes? Gradually, they'll get smarter- they will become artificially intelligent.

Robots on the move...

Most robots are based in factories. they're fixed to the spot and programmed to repeat fairly simple jobs, such as welding or painting. In the future, autonomous robots Will venture out into the world,no longer reliant on human operators.

Rescue robot....

students at Warwick University in the UK Designed This all- terrain robot to find people buried by earthquakes. its telescopic head includes cameras and a carbon- dioxide gas sensor for detecting signs of life.


robots find it hard to walk upright like humans, so future robots may be mimic four- legged animals instead. this robotic cheetah can run at over 45 kph.
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Thank you ...
Have a nice day ..@anurag001

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