Road To SteemFest - Final Week | Breaking The Ice

Wow.. final #roadtosteemfest post huh? Well, I have to say that these freewrites have been incredibly helpful to get to know each other. I’m really thankful for them.

This final week is all about breaking the ice (I thought we already did?!), and making each other laugh.

I’ve been meaning to write this post all week.. but goodness gracious I barely have had time to sleep.. so.. better late than never I guess! Here goes nothing...

1.- Tell us your most embarrasing moment in life. It doesn´t matter if it was when you were 6 years old or if it was last week. Come on, open up.

Every time someone asks me this I find it really hard to think of an embarrassing moment.. which is odd because I embarrass myself daily. So, I guess I’ve just become so use to it that they don’t really leave an impression on me anymore haha.

BUT as I was sitting at the eye doctor yesterday I remembered one I must have blocked out or something.. so.. when I was 18 I slept with my eye contacts in 😬. I know, horrible habit but hey I was young and dumb.

Anyways.. one night I must have been running my eyes in my sleep because I woke up with a painful, red and watery eye. I initially thought I had pinkeye or something it was so bad.

I called my eye doctor and went in to see them immediately .. turns out I scratched the heck out of my eye.. bad. So bad in fact that I had to put special drops in my eye and.. you ready for this?

I had to wear a patch on my eye for a week

Yep that’s right.. I walked around looking like a damn pirate. And to make matters worse, I worked for a big insurance company in Dallas at their headquarters.. I couldn’t miss work and so.. alas.. went to work everyday wearing an eyepatch 😐

I mean .. I guess things could have been worse.. but being a young girl in a pirate patch made for interesting conversations in the elevator. 🤷‍♀️

2.- If you were stranded in a deserted island with 3 Steem Fest attendees, who would they be and why? (Thanks @abh12345 for this one).

This one is tough! I mean.. I’d like to be stuck on an island with all of you let’s be honest 😄

Ok.. hmmm three people.

First I’d have to say @daveonarrival, because he seems to have a really great positive attitude and a sense of humor. If we are going to be stuck on an island.. I need someone who’s gonna make me laugh.. and I think Dave is the guy for that! Plus, he will probably record a video of most of our adventures and then when we get rescued we would have plenty to blog about.

Next I would say @crimsonclad.. because she has impeccable taste in music and is a total badass. We could listen to metal music on the beach while Dave makes us cackle.. and if any pirates show up (not me.. I don’t wear a patch anymore), Crim will kick their ass. She’s really vital for any adventure really.

And my third would be @Tarazkp because I’m sure he woild have some philosophical reason to why we all happened to get stuck on the island together.. butterfly effect maybe.. or our destiny and such. We would then find ourselves grateful to be there and pondering all of life’s beautiful moments. And if all else fails.. maybe his snoring will keep the wild animals away. Win-win.

3.- As thumbnail of your post, make a funny face.
Then, other Steemians can meme your picture :D
A billion extra points for those making funny memes in other people´s posts.

Well.. I’m gonna halfway cheat here..mixing old and new cause god knows I’ve given you people plenty of funny faces..





I really need to stop making that face!🙈

Here.. someone already got the memes going ...

Maybe this could be my business card to hand out at SteemFest.. 😄

I want to see some memes!

4.- If you had one superpower (any superpower), what would it be, why, and how would you use it during Steem Fest?

If I could choose one thing it would be to not need sleep. I know, sounds kind of boring.. but imagine how many things I could get done!! At steemfest this would come in quite handy since I would be able to party the night away with @anomadsoul and @evecab, while still not missing a single conference talk or outing. I’m telling sleep is the key!

Bonus: Only answer this one if you feel ok with it. Just bear in mind that the answers to this one will be funny as fuck and a great way to have a laugh about it.

5.- If you had to pick one Steemian for a summer fling story, who would it be? We don´t care if you are married or in a relationship, this is just for shits and giggles and to break the ice. (Thanks @eveuncovered for this one) Bonus points, tequila shots and a 100% vote from me to whoever answers this question.

Well now.. I know Eric is trying to blame this one on @eveuncovered.. but this sounds like something Eric would want to know hahahaha.

Ok, well.. while I do have an actual steemit crush (don’t judge me.. we all do right?).. if I tag him here he is likely to run and hide.. never speaking to me again.. ha.. so I won’t do that to him, today anyways.

Buuuuttttt never fear.. I have an even better and more entertaining one. You see, there is this magical being who will be at Steemfest and it turns out he’s a super nice guy as well! So if I had to pick one Steemfest attendee for a pretend summer fling it would be none other that....

Gandalf the Grey

Yep that’s right, I’m choosing @gtg for my pretend summer fling (sorry gtg 😬 lol)

Why him? Well, I mean ... he’s a wizard.. this should be pretty self explanatory.

It’s also turns out that he is an incredibly kind individual who goes out of his way to help others. He’s intelligent and someone who, as we all know, does a ton for this place.. plus.. he is key to finding good food in Poland. 😄

Besides.. maybe he can finally help me get to middle earth.. I’m dying for a hobbit hole to call my own.

Well, hopefully that helped break whatever ice was left over and at least gave you all a chuckle or two. Thanks for bringing us all together Eric.. and I’m hoping as I write this you are getting your being allowed into Europe.. because seriously.. we are changing the damn location if you can’t get in.

See you all in a couple days!!

Much Love,


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