Poor roads and increasing accidents

If you Ever visited hafizabad city then you can imagine the condition of roads here. The road which connects hafizabad to Gujranwala is in its rough and poor condition.its been a long time ago the roads were build and then leaven without care. Now the road is again in repairing situation. But the government is not looking interested in rebuilding it.
Due to poor condition of the road a lot of accidents happen daily and a lot of people lose their lives. The investigation is going on regarding this isssue and it has been reported that the government issued funds for rebuilding it but the local authorities didn't release funds for its progress. Therefore an investigation has been started and the corrupted authorities are under charges.

The public is looking for the maintenance of roads as it is helpful to move safe from one city to another.
So if these roads are rebulided then it would be a great news for travelers.
The central government should need to care about funds released from them either reached on destination or not .
Rate of accidents could be controlled through rebuilding poor roads.

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