Rivison and Appreciation


I had mistakes previous article. I showed you some numbers of vistors at Nitinan City in Miyazaki Pre. And I said "I will doble the number of it before Covid. So 2,100,000 visitors!!"

No no no!! I misunderstood! There are three different numbers in the documents. They are a number of vistors at Nitinan City from outside Miyazaki Pre, inside Miyazaki Pre, and sum of those two. And I picked up the visitor numbers from outside Miyazaki Pre. I'm ashamed...

Correct numebers are here!
sum (outside) (inside)

2019.1 - 2019.12
visitors at Nitinan City ・・・1,922,494 (1,053,423) (869,071)
2020.1 - 2020.12
visitors at Nitinan City ・・・1,188,167 (611,057) (577,110)
2021.1 - 2021.12
visitors at Nitinan City ・・・1,006,797 (515,367) (491,430)

宮崎県 令和元年 宮崎県観光入込客統計調査結果 市町村調べによる観光客数累計の推移(https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/documents/73317/66777_20220310095723-1.pdf)
宮崎県 令和2年 宮崎県観光入込客統計調査結果 市町村調べによる観光客数累計の推移(https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/documents/73317/73317_20221125144558-1.pdf)
宮崎県 令和3年 宮崎県観光入込客統計調査結果 市町村調べによる観光客数累計の推移(https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/documents/73317/73317_20230120133345-1.pdf)

And I should say "So 3,900,000 visitors!!"
...3,900,000!?...Yes, OK OK. I can do it. We can do it!!! (am I Nuts?)
I'll try my best.

I want to tell appreciation. I have to appreciate two things.

First is appreciation for comments for my first post. I'm stranger here and I felt nerves. But people in HIVE world gave me kind words and warm welcome. I'm happy now to be here! Thank you!

Second is for people who taught me about RC. They taught me gently and one of them delegated me some RC's. I owe you!! Thank you!!

What a wonderful gentle world, HIVE!! YEAHHHHHHHH!!

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