Pizza Hunting in Rising Star Game.

Get Your Piece of Pizza!

The Hive Name.png

I have been playing the game @risingstargame now for a little over a year. If you want to go take a look, Here's a link to the game. Like all games energy is a valuable resource. In this game energy restores at 1% each 5 minutes. The lowest cost to a mission is 15% and a max of 100%. Quest probably more suits than a mission. Something to complete.

When doing those missions there is a random chance you will receive a reward. This reward can vary with Luck, Coffee, Drunk's or a Pizza Drop. These Pizza Drops are one time use only and are automatically used to refill energy if no storage for them is available.

Catching that random drop of Pizza Drop can be a boost just when needed. Even better is having a pizza box to store it in. Most people seem to find a balance that works for them with about 3 - 5 Pizza Box's. Many rely on having more Pizza Slice than pizza box to catch a Pizza drop, Having fewer Pizza Box and use them as found, or before all Pizza Box held is filled.

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The amount of pizza box you have determine if this strategy is worth while for you or not. Keep in mind that pizza drops are random. A bit of luck on timing is needed to get them.

I do not know exactly how Pizza or other random items are dropped. They do seem to come in groups though.


As seen in this image Dropping mission after mission.

Depending on how many Pizza box you have makes this worth while. a Minimal of 4 is needed. I have more than once filled 7 Pizza box doing this.

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I used coffee cups to get Pizza Drops. Stacking coffee cups gives even more energy. Having 5 or 6 coffee cups ready for use. On the last 15% energy I began my 5 minute missions. The coffee cups all used together give back more energy each 5 minutes than gets used.

By the time I got done doing all my 5 minute missions My energy would be back to close to 100%. I did use up all 5 minute missions I had to do this. Many a time this filled up all the pizza box I had.

I would do 5 or 6 of each 5 minute mission available to do this.

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