Rising Star - Achieved Level 120 and adding Additional Rare Cards

Rare Unique Cards

Today, I reviewed the cards missing from my collection. Since unique cards add more points to your ranking than duplicate cards, I have decided to add as many unique cards that I can no matter what the rarity.

Purchasing Rare instrument cards pg1.PNG

Purchasing Rare instrument cards pg.PNG

Today I was able to find these 12 Rare unique cards, all under 3,000 Starbits each, to add to my collection. There were several others that were right at 3,000 Starbits but I did not have enough Starbits to purchase all of them. This week my purchases all happen to be Rare Instrument cards.

I use the NFT Mart to determine the cards I would like to purchase.


Unique Common Instrument Cards

My collection includes all of the Common Instrument cards with the exception of three cards all of which are more expensive than the Rare unique instrument cards that I added to my collection today. Once the remaining rare cards that are missing from my collection are higher than these three, I will consider purchasing them.

  • i4 Cheap Bass
  • i12 RS-303 "Bass Line"
  • i18 Electric Drums

Common Unique Cards - Instruments.PNG

Earnings This Week

My earnings this week were 31,899 Starbits that I used for my purchases. I wait until the end of the week and withdraw the full amount so that I can track my earnings from week to week.

This week was down slightly compared to the 34,555 Starbits I had earned last week but still over the 30,000 threshold that I am trying to reach each week. I would like to keep my earnings above 30,000 Starbits and work to get them closer to 35,000 as the weeks progress.

Earnings - 31899.PNG

My Level and Ranking

I was able to add another level this week. I am now at level 120 just 5 levels away from unlocking the next mission. As the points for each level increase, it takes just a little longer each time to advance another level.

Level 120.PNG

My Ranking improved also to 430 from 444 last week. I am hoping to continue to move up in the ranking bit by bit each week. I have yet to be ranked higher than 400 so that is my next target. I know that it will be a lot of balancing of all the different parts but I am trying to add more to each of them as the weeks go by.

This past week, I did well on weekly minutes with 4555. My total IM and Unique cards are my two lowest stats. By adding the 12 unique cards today, this should help my unique card and total cards stats. Hopefully this will be enough to move me up a few more positions.

Your Ranking - 430.PNG

Your Ranking titles.PNG

Your Ranking details.PNG

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To help support the community, I have become a Hive Engine Witness. My HE witness name is @darmst . If you would like to support me support the community, I would appreciate your Workerbee vote. You can vote at https://primersion.com/he-witnesses I am currently around 30th on the list.

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