Giveaway #45 Results and Next Giveaway entry

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That means we are down to our last 5 giveaways from me here. I will announce to everyone in a later post how you can continue to enter in giveaways on my other account but for now lets build up the anticipation as to who actually won this giveaway.

First let me show everyone who is the #OneUP winner of the Instrument card Raven T1 Fire.

Next I would like to put out a big #OneUp for all the contestants in this giveaway.


Other participants:

@joseal2020, @ianballantine, @vaynard86, @yortn31, @henruc, @elduderino420a, @yhix8ycqc, @circlebubble, @blitzzzz, @jdike, @jfang003, @awah, @loxavius, @middle-earthling, @treefrognada, @linoleum, @davideownzall, @pero82, @maurye23

And those that failed to enter the main giveaway were:

@wazock, @supriya.gupta, @flquin, @zonadigital21

PLEASE remember to enter the proper phrase in your reply to be in the main giveaway drawing for this and all future giveaways.

Next I will announce the winners of the SECRET GIVEAWAY. And they are:

And they each win:

Now onto what everyone wants to hear, what is going to be given away in my next installment of this #OneUp giveaway series.
And the clue is:

Yup that is your one and only clue so guess wildly, LOL. To enter this please post "Vintage Cosmonaut" in your reply. I had a couple of entries that forgot the last secret word and I forgot to post a drawing time in my last giveaway. So please everyone "Vintage Cosmonaut" for your entry. If your comment did not receive an up vote from me then your entry is not accepted so please check back and fix it to properly be entered in this give away.

The Winner will be chosen at random on February 4th, 2023 and announced by February 5th, 2023. Until then Enjoy and rock on you #RisingStar's.


Come play some Rising Star Game (Must have a HIVE account) with me or just Listen to my Band here.

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