Risingstar and splinterlands

Hello fellow hivers

I just want to say as a new player in splinterlands climbing the ladder is pretty tough to start out. I was going along pretty good but everytime I would get close to the next bracket, I would get hit hard with a losing streak. It would almost knock me back down from Bronze III to novice. It was pretty clear I needed to change something up, so I decided to rent some cards. There are alot of cards to choose from, so I decided to focus on a couple splinters at a time instead of looking at them all. I will have to get to know all the cards at some point anyways. So I went with the red splinter and the green splinter

Oh boy these guys were fun Yodin Zaku gives all my monsters blast, these are some powerful dudes, they really helped me win a few matches.
Battle with Yodin

These guys just WOW power fricken house Kron just seems OP in these low ranks just unbeatable. I literally take this guy
Here into overtime and basically wait him out. Then
Here I just completely demolish this guy, I feel like these guys are gonna carry me for a bit. Since this season ends in 5 days, next season I think I'm gonna check out the black and white splinters, since those were my favorite magic cards.

Rising star, its a slow game XD i started this journey almost a week ago, just finally hit level 10 and also got my first pack of cards




This is what my character is currently sitting at. I am pretty sure I'm only using one of the characters.


We will see how the journey goes, I'm interested to see how this EGO modifier plays out.

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