Getting past 400 fans with the help of a fellow busker. Rockin and battling on this final day of Splinterlands Season.


I am up to 12 cards in my rising star collection, afrer being gifted 3 cards by @dubble. Thanks man, it was a boost to my fans, and with the luck from the Oboe i just received, i think im set to start making quicker progress on challenges.

Still learning about the game, enjoying setting up a few challenges everyday. Yo, @dubble, does having the 12 cards now count for my stats? Even if i only have a couple cards selected? I mean, does simply having more cards (12 instead of just 3), boost my stats, even if im not able to use all the cards yet? I havent done the band audition missions yet, have to build up more before i can. Long question, sorry, but if you have an easy answer, cool. I appreciate your gift, ill be sure to help curate your content.


Otherwise, we are on the last day of the Splinterlands season. Plenty of action with card pack sales, airdrops, and the low prices in SPS. Im feeling the pain, but im keeping the ship sailing along with the rest of you animals.

I have not gotten many new cards lately, since i have only grabbed a pack here and there.

I have sold some random cards since you get a good amount of DEC. Maybe DEC can once again get close to being worth $0.01.

Lets see SPS though.


Price has just gotten beaten down, but is holding $0.12 cents for a little while now. Its possible we have seen or bottom of roughly $0.10 cents. Sideways would be nice. I am ok with just sitting and staking. I have been waiting for some bear action in the markets, and i had planned on just sitting through it when it happens. Always can get worse, but long term im ok just sitting for a few years. I have faith that Splinterlands will maintain attention. Low prices means more people can get in on low prices. By time things marinade for a while, months or couple years later, we can some bull Jesus action.


Gold II is where the Duck resides at the moment.

Looking forward to supporting all the madlads that create content. The good folks that have become my hive family.

Let us rock and be well. Cheers to your season loot.


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