Rising Star Giveaway - win 1000 STARBITS (ends 28 October)



Dear community, even at level 82 and one day we will be at 85, wanting to have that Halloween festival card but I have not had the possibility of buying packs. On the other hand the world, the BTC maintains its strength above 60k, I aspire to hold it and stay in range for a while while the altcoins that I keep explode. Returning to Risingstar here are my constant stats: D:

Querida comunidad, aun en nivel 82 y algún día estaremos en 85, con ganas de tener aquella carta de festival de Halloween pero no he contado con la posibilidad de compra de packs. Por otro lado el mundo, el BTC mantiene su fuerza sobre los 60k, aspiro a que lo aguante y se quede un tiempo en rango mientras se estallan las altcoin que conservo. Volviendo a Risingstar aquí mis constantes estadísticas :D:



So, lest do the Draw 😄

Winner / Ganador


CONTRATS @deanlogic thanks for your permanent participation and support 😁

Hive-Engine team is aware of issues with block processing on the Hive Engine sidechain; the system is currently halted and they are investigating./So, I’ll send you the prize tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience.


Rules / Reglas

  1. Follow this account and comment: I want to participate, or recommendations on how to improve the giveaway or what do you recommend for improve my gameplay :p
  2. If you can vote and share, or maybe invite a friend, it is appreciated but it is not necessary.
  3. I am very grateful to those who participated and continue to enjoy this wonderful game RisingStar

1.Seguir esta cuenta y comentar: quiero participar, o recomendaciones de cómo mejorar el sorteo o que recomendias para mejorar mi gameplay :p
2.Si pueden votar y compartir, o tal vez invitar a un amigo se los agradezco, pero no es necesario.
3.Estoy muy agradecido con quienes participaron y continúan disfrutando de este maravilloso juego RisingStar

I am collecting BEER 🍺 and LUV ❤️ to distribute along with the pizza that I usually distribute to all who participate, at the moment I do not have enough quantity as I would like to be able to distribute all these tokens, but soon, I apologize to those who have not been able to deliver pieces of pizza, I think that exceeding 20 entries is making it difficult for me to distribute to everyone, I will soon have to make an investment in pizza to avoid that, additionally I had 4 LUVS to distribute, but they modified the amounts of hold to use the bot and now it only allows 3…., Thank you very much especially also to those who share their tokens

Estoy recolectando BEER 🍺 y LUV ❤️ para repartir junto con la pizza que suelo repartir a todos quienes participan, de momento no tengo la suficiente cantidad como quisiera para poder repartir todas estos tokens, pero próximamente, pido excusas a quienes no les he podido entregar trozos de pizza, creo que superando las 20 entradas se me esta dificultando repartir a todos, tendré que hacer próximamente una inversión en pizza para evitar eso, adicional tenia 4 LUVS para repartir, pero modificaron las cantidades de hold para usar el bot y ahora solo permite 3…., Muchas gracias especialmente también a quienes comparten sus tokens

I am very grateful to all who have supported this and previous events, thanks to those who entered new and to those who have always supported the event, I hope one day to be able to do 2000 starbits events always, from Now I insist, it will be in the middle and at the end of the month 1000 for eachone, the rest will be 1000 starbits. Thank you

Agradezco mucho a todos quienes han apoyado este y los eventos anteriores, gracias a quienes ingresaron nuevos y a quienes siempre han apoyado el evento, espero poder algún día hacer eventos de 2000 starbits siempre, de momento insisto, será a mediados y a finales de mes 1000 para cada uno, de resto serán 1000 starbits. Muchas gracias


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