Ripple locks up 14billion of XRP is the best thing for Crypto Currency

When I started way back in June  2017.  I had a good feeling about ripple.  Then i started to chart it and follow ripple daily. I figured out in August that ripple could possibly pass bitcoin and become the leader and the gold standard for crypto currencies. 

Ripple is back the banks and it is already  pre mined 

there were 100 billion XRP created at XRPs  birth, with no more allowed to be mined or created  according to the protocol's rules.

Ripple locked up 14billion of XRP.  I know this sounds like a allot of XRP.  I think ripple will start letting some XRP go to keep the price from inflating to fast; however This will cause the price to inflate out of Ripple control. Once this happens XRP will over take Bitcoin and Become the new Gold Standard for the Crypto Currencies and stabilize the market and allow Crypto Currencies become more widely used for everyday use.


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