XRP Trading

Well; I’m back on this XRP (ripple) trading venture and so far I came across an article or shall I say a post on the tradingview.com; their could be a spike with XRP!!👀. I need more articles to back up this thought 💭. I’ve been holding on since last year to these coins and I haven’t seen any drastic changes in spike. According to https://www.tradingview.com/u/CryptoManiac101/ ; it states that 8hvf10tjr9.jpg
20,000% growth is a higher percentage to report and it makes me feel like should I invest more

Now I’m all in! I want to know more he also mentions in his article that we can see a change with in a 4-12 month period and you will probably see some ROI; it also boldly states that you should expect to see a spike within a few short weeks or maybe even days to see a change in trend.
I don’t want to start going crazy and be obsessed with XRP as I did with the previous crypto I ventured into; such as BTC (Bitcoin), LTC (Litecoin), ETH (Ethereum), and now I’ve just added DAI (Dai) “we will see how far DAI goes as of now”; in one month it’s increased 1.24% and in one week it’s increased to 0.21% that’s according to coinbase.com) I’m just trying to look like this;

so I can pay my student loans off and this is such a slow gain. I might as well go into the regular stock market and maybe I’ll see a return faster but what do I know 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m still playing around with these coins and crypto currency market.

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