Would you like to help me create a Rick and Morty High Quality spinoff episode about some of the lesser seen rick and morty universes? We can vote with Collaborative storyboard google doc even hire a Rick&Morty Voice impersonators!

So I was watching Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 1 right off youtube

And I thought HEY This guy made a home made Rick and Morty Judge Morty scene! And they even got Justin ROyland to do the voice for Rick and "Judge Morty!" and they got 7 MILLION views! LOOK!

SOme FAN just made this! This was NOT the official creators producing this for adult swim or youtube content NO This was a FAN who actually took some story boards and actually MADE this scene LIVE on youtube he would do livestreams where he would actually create the scene in ToonBoom software which allows him to actually create the whole scene and then I believe the rick and morty creator had already done the voices for it? But If we make something really good we can get the attention of the voice actor for rick and morty which is the creator, OR w3e can just use really good impersonators! Theres PLENTY of people who can dop a GREAT rick and a perfect morty...its not that hard...the hard part will be animating etc but thats not even hard! we can use toonboom and it will allow us to split up the work into little pieces and we can all help and get it done FAST if we work as a TEAM! And if we get lots of steem ill split it with whoever did the most work helping make it! I doubt well make money off youtube unless rick and morty creators give us green light for monetization but i would split that with whoever helped create it as well, but i doubt thatl happen, but if we make it high enough quality who knows!

Just like this guy did with the making of judge morty scene, I am gonna take season 3 episode 1 Im gonna take this episode and every other episode and break them down in Photoshop, then import them into Toon Boom, then Im gonna take some lesser seen characters, and invent a few new characters, and I am gonna take some of the chroninberg family and make some adventures with them, ALL in Toon Boom software v 8 just like rick and morty is created in! just download toonboom on piratebay or your favorite torrent website or PAY for toon boom IF you have the money but iuf you are a poor starving artist who cant afford software just pirate it and use toon boom and when your cartoon blows up and u make money you can buy a copy of toon boom or you can break them off if you make lots of money.,...the secret is to just doing shit without permission and if its good then the creators will watch it and maybe even sanction it into canon! They have actively worked with some fans to do voices for the Judge Morty thing ...that was just some fan who did that! and also theres some mroe fan made rick and morty stuff...$Rick and morty is going to continue forever theres gonna be ALOT of new rick and morty, and yeah 9 fucking seasons is some serious business, we are gonna have INFINITE rick and morty once FANS realize that THEY CAN CREATE THEIR OWN RICK AND MORTY EPISODES AND THE BEST ONES WILL GET JUSTIN ROYLAND TO ACTUALLY RECORD SOME VOICE OVERS FOR! AND IF YOU CANT GET THE REAL VOICE OF RICK WE CAN USE ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF SPOT ON RICK and MORTY IMPERSONATORS! SOME EVEN SOUND BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL RICK or MORTY! Sorry for the caps but this is some serious business and this is gonna be HUGE!

Now I am really good at putting stuff together and I can split this up into many pieces we can all do, i cant do this alone or it will take years!

First we vote on a Story Line, then we MUST create the storyboard using a collaborative story boarding Google Doc I will create and share with everyone who wants to be involved with the Rick and Morty fan made Episode, we will all decide on what the episode will be about, we can have like gear world vs Bird person backstory to Galactic federation to Croninberg,World, um you could basically just take any of your favorite scenes or sub plots from rick and morty, and just imagine creating something that the original rick and morty creators WOULD do if they had time, FOR EXAMPLE< The whole plan of having rick break out of jail, the creators were going to have rick become a cockroach and fight his way up and they dicthed that idea, but you can still see those sketches on youtube of the "season 3 sneak peak" where rick is part insect, yeah all that or other deleted rick and morty scenes we can basically take those and flesh those out and make those! Or we could even pick from ide presented to us in Interdimensional Cable TV channels rick showed us, in two episodes, that are each just full of crazy shit like Stealy...I would LOVE to see more Stealy, and more mr poopy butthole, I have this whole backstory about how Stealy got to where he is, and how Mr Poopy butthole also has some sort of relation to stealy since they look similar, and also we need to do episodes showing rick as a young idealistic rebel with young bird person at protests against the galactic federation maybe on some poor planet that the federation was like exploiting for resources like antimatter mines or something ridiculous like that and even have Morty ask how AntiMatter could be Mined, and then have rick say like "God Morty you think, you think your smart? Well this Planet isnt LIKE earth, the -the-the laws of physics are all different here M-m-mOOORTY and YEAH they can MINE anti-Matter morty! Its a property of a specific mineral that only is formed on these planets in this solar system, and yeah sorry you cant wrap your little earth brain around a shalactian Anti matter mine on the moons of GlibGlab-7 M-mMOOOORty!" and yeah rick could go off on Morty about not knowing about anti matter mines on some made up alien world...being exploited by the federation...(rick is telling morty about his old protest days) and then we go back to the protests against the galactic federation which we will show was exploiting some planet and rick and bird person and his rebels were there and it will go into like how rick was like a galactco-anarchist and really show punk roick and gutter punk rick !

So we can vote on whatever rick and morty story we wanna work on! And we can break down real rick and morty episodes in photoshop, make some new ones up, and we can use toon boom and split up the work, who wants to do this with me? It will be lots of work but we will be able to create real rick and morty episodes! And like I said, there are MANY voice actors who can imitate rick AND morty SPOT ON and so we can PAY some professional rick impersonators and get a morty impersonator to do the lines

we can even take deleted scenes like this and flesh them out and add to them!
lke this

so who is with me?

who wants to help make TV quality Rick and Morty fan made episodes, using Backdrops and settings extracted from high quality existing episodes, and even take the characters, cut em out, and just re animate em with new stories maybe talk about croninberg world, maybe show some young bird person, show young rick, show more of how our Rick came and showed that other rick about the portal gun, I wanna see mroe about how Rick went from like being poor to having whatever cool clothes he wanted and going from dimension to dimension with expensive stuff, u could just portal gun right into a bank vault..imagine if you could simply TELEPORT on earth you could go do whatever you wanted youd be the coolest guy on earth youd be the most POWERFUL person on earth if you could teleport wherever you wanted whenever you wanted it would increase your ego like crazy and Ricks ego would go from where it was to where he is now! imagine seeing more of that awesome backstory in the garage before ricks wife and daughter exploded

Anyway sorry I could go on forever, just sign up with a comment or message me on IG ackza770 or just send a message here andlemme knwo if you wanna partiocipate if you wanna help create some fan made high quality rick and morty scenes maybe whole episodes MAYBE even a whole new fan made series! we can pick one of the MANY ricks from ALL those different rick universes! the possibilities are endless and I have ToonBoom software that they use to make real rick and morty, so we can all download it off piratebay and then use it to do a little bit of the work , we all combine forces and we can get this done!

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