rich benefits of grass

Benefits of Rumbia fruit for health. Who miss the meuria boh? yes. I believe everyone must have tasted grapefruit. For the Acehnese, the fruit of rumbia is not a rarity, especially those who live in the 90's, the delicacy of Rumbia fruit no doubt has a distinctive taste. The fruit of rumbia, the Latin language Metroxylon sagu. The aceh people call it meuria boh. Rumbia trees usually grow in freshwater swamps, streams and other pacah soils. In Aceh, there is a lot of rumbia in Aceh and surrounding areas Acehnese people used to travel when they did not forget to bring souvenirs. This fruit has a resemblance to the fruit of bark has scales, it feels chelate, when it is old boh meuria will feel a little sweet.

nutrients present in sago rumbia:

sago that has been processed into flour is very rich in carbohydrates, but unfortunately poor for other nutrients. In 100 grams of dried sago is equal to 335 calories. In 100 grams there are 94 grams of carbohydrates, 0.2 proteins, 0.5 grams of fiber, 10 mg of calcium, 1.2 mg of iron, and there is also a very small amount of fat, carotene, thiamine and ascorbic acid.

Here are some of the benefits of sago palm for humans:

Becoming a source of food for the community. Beneficial to overcome flatulence, diarrhea, bowel movements and vomiting. Maintaining bone health, teeth. Not fast increase glucose sugar levels in the blood, safe in consumption for diabetics.
Fruit RumbiaThe selling price of rumbia is expensive because the fruit of rumbia is difficult to find, sebulumnya fruit is very easy to obtain. But over time the swamp changed function, many people who cut the tree of rumbia because only thinking of himself. Formerly Aceh residents are very attached to this one fruit, this fruit is one of the ingredients to make rujak very good at eating with plik.
In fact, people's interest in rumbia fruit is still very high, because many people who make rujak, especially at the time of kenduri or other big day.


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