The Sting: How to Make out like a Bandit post HF-19!


This is an impromptu improvised 'sting' operation in partnership with my brother and a friend: @brogue and @steemtalk. Ongoing as we speak. Please see comments section for bandit actions in progress 💰💰💰

Cast of players: @davidbrogan Rep 56.9 154 votes in last 24 hrs. Current voting power 55.310% immediately prior to this post.
@Steemtalk. Rep 50.8. 94. Votes in last 24hrs. Voting power 62.820%
@brogue. Rep 25. 87. Votes in last 24hrs. Voting power 69.940%
All stats courtesy of steemstats at 20:00 GMT 20/06/17

The plan is to upvote this post and each other's comments until we literally run out of voting power. Let the fun commence! (The serious side is to test the implications of peeps 'gaming' the system for personal reward and also to see how fast voting power drains post-HF19)

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